Kagamine Len

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- Horny teenager

- Has a small harem he doesn't know of (Hime, Mikoto, Aoki, Merli, Tsuina-chan (an utau), Tei)

- Hates Rin's teasing

- Looks up Lenku doujinshi on a daily basis

- Friends with Piko

- Also friends with Fukase but is kinda intimidated by him (also because Fukase is dating Mayu)

- Idiot

- Lily, Neru, and Rin's youngest brother

- Not a memelord

- Sins everyday (Simpler explanation: eats the brown part and the stringy part of the banana)

- Owns the Roadroller but wants to give it to Rin

- Looks up to Kaito (because his wife is cool and hot)

- Is not very good with feelings

- Unsure if he truly likes Sukone Tei or if it's just thinking that she's cute

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