Super crazy happy fun time Japan

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"Welcome to today's challenge!" Chris said. We where all sitting in the common area now, and by the looks of it, none of us where exited for the next challenge, what ever that would entail.

"Is it a reward or elimination challenge?" Harold asked.

Oh my god why does it matter.

"Good question Harold!" Chris smiled, "and, like I'm going to tell you! So I hope you brought your radioactive monster repellent, because we are about to land in Japan!"

Chef busted through the door wearing an orange silk and clamping a Katana in his mouth.

"Gosh you guys," Harold crossed his arms, "that's totally a Chinese outfit!"

Chris looked displeased. "Thank you Harold. Now remember, anyone who doesn't sing-"

He was cut of by Harold ranting on again. "You'd really think you'd work harder to get it right."

I had to stop myself from laughing as Chris' scowl became worse the more Harold spoke. "Anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified." Chris continued.

"Your cultural insensitivity is just...GOSH!"

I rolled my eye and let out a long sigh. I looked over and I could see Cody doing the same. And many others. Clearly we where all annoyed at this little red-headed dweeb.

And clearly Chris was the most angered, because before we knew it, the door to the common area had been taken off, and we where all falling out of the plane.

The wind whipped though my hair as I fell, screaming. Then, I heard a sound witch I never wanted to hear when I was about to die.


"Seriously? I mean, seriously?!" I called up to the plane where Chris was looking down at us, a megaphone in his hands.

"Sing, and I might think about saving your musical butts! Maybe you'll try harder next time, eh?"

Courtney started the song, and we all continued. After the cancerous musical number was done, we continued falling. Clearly, the song hadn't been good enough. But, to my surprise, we landed safely in a huge bowl of...rice?

Well by now I wasn't really questioning it.

Cody was the last to land. I held out my hands and caught him. He looked up at me.

"Oh...uh, thanks Noah."

I dropped him. "Yeah, whatever."

What was I thinking? Cody doesn't like you anymore, okay? So stop thinking you can turn things around.

The challenge was about as stupid as you would expect. One of our team members would have to go inside a huge hamster ball with a rabid baby panda and the others would have to try to get as many points as possible by rolling the ball onto pegs. It was basically pinball, but with humans.

As I watched, I noticed that Cody had gone into the hamster ball with none other than Sierra. When the challenge was over, Cody flopped out of the now open hamster ball, with Sierra's lipstick smudged all over his face. From where I was standing, I could faintly hear him say, "If we had a point for every time she kissed me in there..."

"We'd be millionaires!" Seirra smiled.

I wanted to do something, but there wasn't really anything I could do. Cody and I weren't dating anymore. If I wanted to get as far as possible in the game, I would have to get my mind off things.

But that was going to be hard when I still had feelings for him...

Alejandro won, because that and luring women to him are the only things he's good at, so our team won the first challenge.

For the next challenge, Chris made us watch... something. Yeah, that's what I'll call it. Before your mind strays to far into the gutter, it was Total drama Action, but in Japanese. Well, the voices where changed, but they weren't in Japanese. After the video ended, I raised my eyebrows.

"Umm, what?"

"That piece of cinematic gold is the Japanese promo for Total Drama Action." Chris said.

"Okay, but that was in English, so why are they dubbing our voices?" Courtney asked.

Chris shrugged. "I guess the locals just don't like the sound of y'all. Ready for the next challenge?"

We all shook our heads, but of course, Chris didn't care.

So, to give you the rundown of the rest of the day, we had to create a commercial for a candy. Because my team won the first challenge, we where first to pick props. We ended up going with a small town being attacked by a monster (Owen), and we gave him the candy and boom, now he's a nice monster.

The commercials by the other teams where straight-up weird, so we won the challenge again, and Team Victory was going to the elimination ceremony...again.


Okay, so, this is how I'm going to be doing most of the chapters with a challenge in them. Basically just the song in that episode, Noah giving you a rundown of what happened, a little bit of stuff with Cody and Seirra, and then who wins and who looses.

Because I'm not an experienced writer, it's hard for me to write things well, and as well as I have them planned out in my head, so writing some chapters like this is the best I can do.

I know this book won't be as good as the first one with Noah and Cody, but I'm still trying my best, and I have ideas for after Noah is eliminated, but until he is, the chapters will be like this.

Hope this makes sense lol

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