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I had made it farther in the game than last time. I didn't get voted out third, so that was something. Cody seemed to be doing well. He didn't seem to really notice me, but I was fine with that. I needed to get my mind of him and just focus on the game. And that mindset had been working.

It was the 13th episode now. A lot of contestants had been eliminated so far. Zeke was gone, but that was no surprise. Harold was gone, same with Bridgette, Lashawna, Lindsay, Izzy and DJ. Oh, and Duncan wasn't here, of course. So, there where only two teams left, now that Team Victory had all been eliminated.

For some reason, as I sat in economy class beside Owen, I couldn't stop thinking of Cody. I didn't know why, but he just randomly popped into my head, and then I couldn't get the thought of him out. Owen was getting over his fear of flying quite well.


Team Amazon kept whining that they weren't sitting in First Class because they had won the last challenge.

"Chris said he needed first class today, for a special secret surprise!" Sierra giggled. Sierra had became real annoying, real fast. Cody had grown closer to her, somehow. Courtney accidentally sat on Gwen's sunburned hand.

"Ow!" She yelped, pulling her hand out from under Courtney.

"Oops, sorry!" Courtney apologized. I watched as she grabbed a bucket full of a weird white mixture. "This is a mix of green tea and bird guano."

I recoiled as Gwen put her hand in the bucket, but in a second, she realized what Courtney had said.

"Tweeter update!" Sierra smiled, tapping away at her computer. "Gwen's hand smells like Jamaican Bird doodie, Cody is still cute... uh, 67 characters. Okay, 73 left... what else can I say?"

I knew this was my change, so I slouched down and mimicked her typing.

"Considering buying myself a life on Craigslist, but having trouble deciding, because they are all such a major improvement!" I said, in a squeaky voice as close to Sierra's as I could. She glared over at me. I was going to continue, but stopped when Owen laughed, spraying his 'nose shake' all over me.

"Dude, gross."

He looked down at me. "Did I get some of my nose shake on you, sorry. It's the only thing that really cools off a snootful of Jamaican scotch bonnet peppers." He shoved a few more in his mouth. I knew what was coming. His face turned red, and he poured more milk into his mouth. I continued poking fun at Sierra.

"Must learn to make nose shakes like Owen, that will impress Cody."

Sure I didn't want to say it, but I did. Cody was across from me, and I didn't want him to catch on to what my true feelings where.

Owen laughed again, and one of the peppers bolted out of his mouth. It bounced across the room, hitting Tyler in the face.

"Ow!" He cried. I laughed. Cody smiled a little, but when he saw me looking at him, the smile left his face, and he continued to stare at the dusty ground.

"Check it out. I'll shoot a pepper out witch ever nostril you pick. I mean, juice." Owen said. I smirked.

"Yeah, cause one nose shake a day isn't enough."

Owen shook his milk container. "Aww, and I'm out of milk."

I looked over at Gwen and Courtney. "Hey Courtney, how much of that poop juice have you got left?"

Owen laughed.

"Excuse me gentlemen," Alejandro walked passed us, "I have to be anywhere but here."

He left, and Owen and I exchanged looks. I shrugged. After a few minuets, we heard Chris' voice over the loudspeaker. Alejandro still hadn't returned.

"Attention helpless competitors, we've been denied permission to land, so your going to have to jump."

"Aww, no way." I grumbled. The rest of us chattered with each other.

"And, Chef may have miscounted parachutes."

You've got to be kidding me.

We all grabbed a parachute. Well, everyone accept Owen and I. We both gazed at the backpack on the ground.

"Oh life, why do you hate me so."

I let Owen have it, so I decided that he would have to carry me. That's not something I would have ever want to have happen in my whole life, but I didn't think I would go onto a reality tv show either. I thought I would be in Harvard by now.

Owen jumped out of the plane, screaming. I didn't mind it as much, but I still let out a few nervous yelps. We flew down to the ground, and of course, because I just have the best of luck, Owen landed on top of me. I aware, I could hear every part of my rib cage break.

"Wait where's Alejandro?" Heather asked. Chris had taken us to a double decker bus where we now sat.

"Yes... where is he..." Chris said. Surely he had something to do with it. "The answer in a sec, but first..."

Chris explained to us the rules and lay down of the challenge, and it wasn't anything special. We had to capture Jack The Ripper, or someone dressed as him, and bring him back to Chris and Chef. He was hunting us at the same time though, so we couldn't get caught. Along the way, in the castle where we would find him, we had to look for clues by doing little mini challenges. It seemed pretty simple to me.

"So Team Chris is really really really really hot, you are now short-handed."

Of course...

"The ripper got Al?" Owen shrieked.

Team Amazon definitely had the upper hand, with Gwen and Courtney both doing a project on Jack the Ripper in middle school.

Maybe this challenge won't be as simple as I thought.

For our first challenge, we had to strip some guards. Yeah, I said what I said. I sure as hell wasn't going to do it. And the worst part, we had to sing a song.

Change of Feelings - A Noco FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant