Seeing him again

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Cody and I had planned to meet at the hotel when he got there. The morning that I left, I was itching to see him again. It had been six months, and I couldn't bare to not see him for such a long time.

The hotel was beautiful, but not as nice as Playa Des Losers from the last season, but that didn't really matter to me.

I walked through the tall double doors and up to the front desk to check in.

"Hi, I'm here to check in." I told the receptionist. She typed something up on her computer.

"Alright, what's your name?"

"Noah Sterecra."

The woman typed something on her computer again. "You're with the Total Drama Peanut Gallery?"

"I mean, they aren't here with me right now, but that's what I came here for, yes." I said. She nodded and opened a drawer beside the computer. She handed me a key-card. "Your room number is 222. Enjoy your stay."

I took the card from her. "Thank you."

I went to sit down on one of the chairs by the desk to wait for Cody. I pulled out my phone and looked at the last text message he had sent me.

Cody - Hey Noah! I'll be there around noon, okay?

You - sounds great buddy! c u then

I looked at the clock at the top of my phone screen. It was ten-to-noon.


I looked up and saw Cody's face. I leapt up and embraced him.

"I've been waiting for you Cody!" I blurted, still hugging him. I laied my head on his shoulder. "I've missed you so much..."

I came away from our long embrace and looked into his eyes.

"I missed you too Noah. It's great to see you again!"

He hadn't changed. Same tooth-gap, same squeaky voice, same caramel-brown hair parted in the front, same round teal eyes. Even his cheeks still had the same pink colour.

I kissed his cheek and he chuckled.

"So. We're back for another season, huh."

"Yeah," I said, scratching the back of my neck. "It's crazy. After all that danger Chris put us in last season, I don't know how the fuck another season was green-lit. And I don't know why some of the others decided it would be a good idea to risk their lives for it again, even if it is one million dollars this time and not just one hundred thousand."

Cody smirked. "Yeah. I'm glad I'm not participating. We'll be able to spend a lot more time together now."

I nodded slowly. "Have you checked in?"

"No. I just got here. I should do that."

I let Cody check in, then we left to go upstairs to our rooms. Cody's room was quite a ways away from mine, but that didn't really bother us, since he would most likely be spending most of the time we had here in my room.

I scanned the key card and the door unlocked. I pulled the handle and opened the door. The hotel room was quite nice if I'm being honest. There was only one bed in this room, but that was okay. It was a small room, because the bed took up most of it. The back wall had a tall, big window on it, overlooking a fair with bright lights and music.

"We should go there one time." Cody said, pointing out the window.

I nodded, hauling my bags onto the bed. "That would be a fun date."

There was a bathroom to the left of the bed, with a sliding door. In front of the bed there was a small couch, a coffee table and a dresser with a TV sitting on top of it.

"I don't even think I need my own room." Cody laughed, sitting down on the couch.

"Who knows?" I joked. "We might have an awful argument and break up and then you'll want your own room."

Cody looked over at me, scowling. "That won't happen."

"I should hope not."

So, I've decided that the chapters for this book are going to be shorter, but there are going to be more of them!

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