Silent Voice Chapter 1

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Lìn Qǐqiáng gazes up at the short white-haired youngster with a strange stare before the unknown person does an annoyed look at Lìn Qǐqiáng, soon hops out of the box quickly and runs away.

"Hey! Where are you going-?!" Lìn Qǐqiáng shouted out to the strange boy but he didn't pay attention.
"What the heck? What's with this place?" He shakes his head.

"I shouldn't think about it too much..." He gets up slowly, as he gets up he feels some kind of a pain in his knees but he didn't pay that much attention to it.

Lìn Qǐqiáng sighed as he puts his hands on his waist. "I should start cleaning in this house, it's a total mess."

He grabbed the broom that was just laying down on the floor and started to tidy up everything.

Hours pass by Lìn Qǐqiáng was already done with the cleaning, he was very tired. He didn't think that this day will be good and weird at the same time.

He took a step to the window and looked out, sighed once more while looking up at the beautiful shining stars.

Lìn Qǐqiáng really loved when nights arrived with the stars and the moonlight, it was the most beautiful thing he ever saw.

However, when he looked at his side of his window he saw once again the same young guy. He got a bit startled seeing him once again but he took a deep breath and glanced at the weird man.

"Uhm, excuse me..." Lìn Qǐqiáng tone got a bit nervous. "Do you need anything or?"

The quiet man didn't react. Lìn Qǐqiáng stared at the guy for a while, but he didn't get a response.

Lìn Qǐqiáng pouted for a moment he didn't like it when people ignored him. He began to talk once more.

"Hey, are you listening?" Lìn Qǐqiáng didn't get an answer once again. Lìn Qǐqiáng sighed with frustration, putting his side of face on his palm and looked back at the night sky.

It was quiet. Nobody made a sound. Out of the blue Lìn ǐqiáng hears a light stomach growl and turns to the silent person, smirking.

"Aiya...Are you hungry?" Lìn Qǐqiáng said it with a teasing tone. The silent one looked away.

"I will take that as a yes." Lìn Qǐqiáng got away from the window and opened the sliding door, he looks at him once more and slowly got close to him.

Lìn Qǐqiáng gently grabbed the persons cold hand with his warmth, unhurriedly dragging him inside to his grandfather's cottage.

When they got inside the warm room, Lìn Qǐqiáng sat down the quiet person to the tea table.

"I'm going to bring some food okay?" Lìn Qǐqiáng grins how the quiet individual slightly nods.

Lìn Qǐqiáng walked away for a moment and came back with the delicious food that he put together. He puts down the two plates right in front of each other and sits down as well.

Lìn Qǐqiáng starts to talk again. "So, can you tell me your name?"

The youngster didn't respond as usual he just kept eating.

"Not much of a talker hmm?" He thought and he began to eat as well.

做夢(Zuòmèng) DreamingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum