Olaedo: Oriaku was my mother's name.

Obinna: That means she's her mother. Why was she sent into exile?

Ajuzie: It is a long story but to cut it short, she had an affair with a stranger from another land and became pregnant for him. It is against the tradition of this kingdom for the two of them to remain in this land.

Obinna: So, they were both exiled?

Ajuzie: Oriaku was surely banished but a lot of us knew nothing about Samuel's end as he was the stranger.

Mbaka: It's enough! The lies and deceit must stop here and now, I'm sure it's the reason for the kingdom's backwardness over the past years.

Okoro: Mbaka what are you talking about?

Anyanwu: What do you mean by the lies and deceit?

Mbaka: Oriaku telling the truth when she said she knew nothing t what happened that night. Truly, nothing happened between her and Samuel.

Anyanwu: How did you know all this?

Mbaka: Because...I planned everything.

  Everyone looks in shock.

(Curtains close and open)

Scene II

All: Gini?! (What?!)

Mbaka: I know it's too late to apologize now but I'm sorry please forgive me. (He puts his hand together in plea)

Anyanwu: Would you explain what you did before asking for forgiveness, so we would know if you're worthy of being forgiven.

Akobundu: Everyone please let him speak. Mazi Mbaka please continue with what you were saying.

Mbaka: Well it started few days after we celebrated the new yam festival twenty years ago, the late king Ezeugo confided in me about his feelings towards Oriaku, princess Adaure's maidservant as of then. Since she was the most beautiful maid in the palace it was easy for me to understand that her presence arouses lustful. But after the yam festival, the longing intensified. In order to save his majesty and the entire cabinet the shame when someone else notices the king's plight, I brought up a tricky plan.

Anyanwu: So what happened next?

Ajuzie: Chief Anyanwu please calm down (he touched Anyanwu's shoulder).

Mbaka: I met with the chief priest and together we conjured a plan. The plan was to get the king to sleep with Oriaku and then pretend that she committed fornication with Samuel her fiancee. I was the person who called out to Samuel that Okapi was requesting to see him at the cave of the unseen but I never allowed him to catch a glimpse of my face. Later, Okapi and I drugged Oriaku making her unconscious, then we carried her body to the same cave before Samuel could arrive there. It was there, in the forest that surrounded the cave that late king Ezeugo laid her unconscious body.

Ajuzie:( holds his head in shock) Aru emee! (Abomination has occurred).

Okoro: This is an abomination! (He spits saliva on the ground).

Adaure: Noo...! (She falls to the ground and is being consoled and held by Akunna).

Mbaka: That was why she couldn't remember anything because she had no clue about what happened to her. The King left before Samuel could arrive and catch him, only Okapi and I stayed behind to complete the last part of the plan which was to catch them together, red-handed. That was how we covered everything up by blaming Samuel and accusing them for fornicating. (He kneels down before all of them and clasps his hand in front of his forehead) I know that my apology is meaningless now but I'm sincerely sorry for all that happened then, to be honest I've not had any peace in my life since then.

Anyanwu: You're right, your apology is already years too late.

Ajuzie: Now that king Ezeugo is dead, what happened to the stranger, Samuel?

Mbaka: (he looked down at the ground) We decided to kill him since he was beginning to suspect us.

Okoro:(He turns to face Olaedo whose face has turned red in embarrassment) My dear Olaedo, can you give us any information on the whereabouts of your mother as we all owe her an apology.

Olaedo gives no reply as she runs away from the room,eyes filled with tears and Prince Obinna runs after her.

Scene III

Obinna: Olaedo! Olaedo! Stop! (He pulls her arm and stops her from running any further).

They stopped by the bark of an iroko tree in the midst of so many flowers and trees.

Obinna: We're here now and we know what happened, don't worry everything would be better. Ebezina...(stop crying).

Olaedo: But how... everyone in my life is already gone. First it was my mother, then Ma Ezinne, now I found out that my father was a king but he's also dead as well as the good man who wanted to marry my mother. (She flings her arm around) I'm cursed, my life is meant to be a bitter one, I don't deserve to exist.

Obinna: Stop saying that, you're a wonderful person. That the people who left your lives are not here anymore doesn't mean you should give up on life. There are others present in your life now that you should give and accept love from. Think of it this way, you found out you are of royal blood, you have two sisters who you're yet to know more about, you are a wonderful counselor and confidant and I don't think people would want to let go of someone like you.

Olaedo:  But what if they don't accept me here, what will happen to me then?

Obinna: It depends on you, you can decide to stay here with your people or come to Ebisa with me. You'll still be welcome there anytime, but mind you, if you choose to come to Ebisa with me then I have another proposal for you.

Olaedo: What proposal is that?

Obinna: BE MY QUEEN.


Finally I lived upto my promise and we're eventually at the last scene of this book.

A short narration would be coming up in the omniscient POV to summarize how the story really ended. Thanks to everyone of you for reading.

And to the first person that opened this chapter, I owe you one(•ө•)♡.

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