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•~~~•7:58 pm. Kirishima's POV•~~~•

I was just talking about how manly I think TestuTestu is and how cool he was during the Sports Festival. When I hear heavy breathing beside me and a quiver from the hand in my hold. Bakugou? What's wrong? What do I do to help? I quickly turn to him, holding his face in my hands, tears steaming down his face.

"Katsuki? Baby stay with me here!" He's ok right? right?! "E-Eiji." I hear a small croak. I cradle him in my arms bringing his head to my chest rubbing his back.

He shaking.

"Breathe Kat, breathe." I say softly hoping to bring him back from wherever his head brought him. Please be ok.

•~~~•8:45 pm. Bakugou's POV•~~~•
I blacked out. I don't remember what happened. I couldn't breathe I think. My thoughts start racing again

'Where am I exactly?'

Looking around I realize I'm in my Kiri's room. I sit up seeing Kiri at his desk writing something down his eyes glossy and light pink.

'Did he cry because of me?'

I internally slap myself. I slowly get out of his bed trying to not make a sound.

I don't want to scare him but I don't want him to know I'm awake. I go up behind him and look at what he's writing. My heart drops in my chest.

'I-Is this...a break-up letter?'

I grab the paper and rip it apart. He turns around shocked that I'm awake.

"Why are you trying to break up with me? Am I not good enough for you?" Tears are now falling down my face.

"I thought you said that you'd never leave me!" Now yelling I crush the paper in my fist angered and hurt. Is this how he always felt?

'Was I never good enough for him?'

•~~~•8:50 pm. Kirishima's POV•~~~•

How could he even think that? I stood their as he ranted. No I wanna be with him! I-I.... I love him...
But he's going through all this pain because of me right? I'm not manly enough for him or cool enough or anything. Does he think I just hate him all the time? I feel tears forming in my eyes. No. I'm ok. "No baby I would never leave you I've just been having some thoughts that..."
" That what?!" He says still angered and sad.

'What have I done..?'

"That maybe you'd be better without me, you know you keep having thoughts about us and doubts. I just you'd be happier without me you know?"

I slowly get out of my desk chair. Grabbing his hand and then his waist holding him close to me.

"Kat? Can you hear me?"

I lift his head up making him look at me. His eyes are closed a few stray tears on his cheek. I kiss his forehead.

"You ok love?"

•~~~•8:59 pm. Bakugou's POV•~~•

'I always mess things up dont I?'

I shouldn't have lashed out at him. Did I forget that Kirishima also has self-esteem issues? My thoughts melting my brain I lean into Kiri slowly crying again.

"I'm sorry Eijirou. I'm sorry i'm a mess." I hug him pulling on his shirt softly crying into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Eiji how can I make it up to you?" I slowly  pull away grabbing his hands

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"I'm sorry Eiji how can I make it up to you?" I slowly pull away grabbing his hands. "How about a date? I can plan everything and make it up to you!" I give him a soft smile.

"You dont have to Kat.." He looks down not wanting to meet my eyes. I furrow my brows frowning at the thought. "Please love? I wanna make it up to you?" I give him a sad look pushing my lip out for more affect. He laughs quietly "Fineeeeeeeee! but it better be the best date I ever had." He gives me a shark toothy smile.

I kiss his nose slowly pulling him into a hug. "Let's go to bed now?" I ask in a questioning tone wondering if he wanted to sleep.

"Sure, but didn't you just wake up? You might not be able to go back to bed..." He's right but he looks tired and I rather him get sleep than me. "It's fine! I sleep a lot so i'll be back to sleep in no time!" I drag him across his room and push him down on the bed. Slowly I get into bed next to him pulling the covers over us. I turn off the light after a few minutes I think he's asleep. I slowly close my eyes letting sleep take over until-

"Hey Kat?" I jump a little, startled by him.
"Yes Kiri?" I turn to him

"I love you."
My heart swells. He does? I blush lightly

"I love you too, Eiji."

'That's the first time we said that'


Sorry this chapter is a little shorter I was being really lazy. I promise to post more! Byeeee~

WORDS: 829

•Chapter 4 Complete•

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