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Izuku's POV

Flash back

"Izuku, there are many of our friends that say they are ready to go. What do they mean by that?" Yui asked as she set her pencil down from doing her homework I was helping her with

"Well you know I can't tell you, but once they feel at peace they go somewhere else." I say trying to not reveal so much.

"So you're not at peace?"

Am I at peace?

Will I ever?

"Well something like that, but I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon" I pat her head.

Few years later

"Izuku, what will make you feel at peace?" Yui asked as she took a break from training

"I've already told you Yui, I'm not leaving any time soon" I smile at her

"But you will at some point. Won't you?" Yui pressed

"I don't think I ever will" I sigh and look down at my hands.

"Can you please tell me?" Yui insisted and gave me puppy eyes.

"When I was a kid, Katsuki was my first hero. We both looked up to All Might, and decided to be hero's like him. He was my best friend, and we were there for each other.

When he go his quirk he became more, violent. He began to bully me along with other people because I was quirkless.

As time went by I was struggling with my own identity. Such as who I wanted to become and also about the crushes I use to have." I look up at Yui and her eyes were focused on my words.

"I realized I had an interest in males as well. I guess puberty was really hitting me in middle school because I developed a crush on Katsuki. I wasn't sure why, he bullied me a whole lot. Maybe it was his looks but I wanted him.

Anyways I then killed myself, deep down I still want him. But I know it will never happen. I wont be able to fall in love and be with someone who loves me back. Romantically I mean to say. I love you like the sister I'll never have." I smiled and pulled her to a side hug.

"Don't you want me to use my quirk so you can see him? And your mom and friends?" Yui asked

"Honestly I didn't have friends back then, I died shortly after starting my first year so I never grew a connection again like how I did with Katsuki when we were kids"

"It doesn't hurt to try!"

"It's too dangerous Yui. One day alright, but I promise I'll be there for you first over anyone else."

"Alright" Yui said sadly with a smile.

I sit on the floor next to Yui who was laying down on Nedu's bed. She had a towel over her head and was snoring softly.

"God Yui, you shouldn't push yourself so hard for my own sake. Use it to save people" I mumble to myself as I press my forehead on the mattress. I felt a hand at the top of my head.

"Izu.." Yui spoke softly as she ruffled my hair.

"Yui, are you okay? You shouldn't have pushed yourself like that. My happiness isn't your responsibility"

"Time flies when you're having fun" she said giggling.

"The time did go by fast. I didn't even notice the time. I'm so sorry" I said looking down at my hands.

Swan dive // Izuku fan fiction Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang