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Bakugou's POV
I was pulled in a tight hug by Auntie Inko and from my parents. I felt tense from what just happened.

"Katsuki are you alright? You look pale" auntie Inko said as she examined my face carefully

"I was really nervous about today so I didn't get much sleep last night" I say sheeply

"I'm very proud of you Katsuki" my mom pulled me into a hug and hug her back.

"I forgive you" she whispered in my ear. I hug her tighter for a little longer and let her go.

"Katsuki" I see Shoto in a white button down shirt, a wine red blazer and dress pants.

"I'll catch up with you guys in a bit" I say to my mom before walking to Shoto

"I wanted to say your speech was very touching. Also I'm sorry about this morning, I'm not sure what got over me and I didn't even bother to ask you if you like men" He said looking down at his feet.

"Well I like both, men and women. I was not bothered by it just more like surprised that you did that" I say also looking away

"I like you Katsuki, I know we are rivals but I couldn't help but like you. I don't mind if you don't like me. I'm too focused on becoming pro and saving enough lives." he smiles

"I don't have feelings for anyone at the moment. I'm focused on trying to save people as well. I hope we get to work again some time as pro heros. I'll see you then when I have to save your ass because you're too weak"

"I'll be the one helping you from your own dumb ass decision's. Besides you're acting like I'm never going to see you again, I'll see you later tonight at at the party" He turns around and walks away waving me off

Later that night

"come on have a drink Kacchan" Kirishima said as handing me a beer. I stare at it for a while debating if I should at all.

"whatever" I grab it and take a sip. It tasted nasty, I hand it back to Kirishima in disgust

"That's disgusting how can you drink that" I hand back the bottle to him and walk off to where the drinks are at and grab a soda

"Come on Bakugou! we just graduate, a drink to that!"

"Hey you guys want a shot?" Sero came up to us with three shot glasses

"See Sero is in the spirit. Come on, if you take this shot and don't like it that's fine I wont pressure you more than I already am. You will be the baby sitter" Kirishima smiles at me

"fine" I grab the shot glass and sniff the alcohol. I hold it away from my face in disgust.

"come on no turning back. To being pro heros" Kirishima said holding his shot glass up in cheer

"To being pro heros" Sero and I repeat and take the shot.

It burned down my throat, and had a terrible yet pleasant taste. My face scrunched, and I coughed it out.

"WOO how was that Katsuki?" Kirishima asked

"not bad" I admit

"Let's get more then. Sero where is the rest of the bottle?" Kirishima says as he pulls me with Sero taking us to the bottle.

I began with just 3 shots. Then I began to mix soda and tequila, and vodka and other things that I was able to mix.

I lost the count of shots after 7 and then I lost count of how many cups of mixed drinks after 4.

Swan dive // Izuku fan fiction जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें