"H-hey sis" you sister called out quietly while you and her were dragging at least 100 pounds of supplies.

You hummed in response while trying to concentrate on dragging the heavy stuff.

"I-If He hurts you or anything.....Ill make sure ill become a distraction and die to protect you so you can escape" You shook your head after hearing her response. You didnt want her to be the sacrifice.

You would gladly lay your life to let her escape so she can be safe away from this man or anyone who attempts to hurt her.

"No ill be the one who will sacrifice myself to make sure you escape...Besides i really dont care to see this world" Your little sister gave a you a glare which make you chuckle a little.


You two stopped the bickering when you saw his house...both of you were now back to your tiredness and depressed stage whenever you saw his house everday now.

you put the heavy supplies where he wanted it which was on the porch near the door. Your sister followed suit and went inside to see him sleeping on the floor. You tip toed to your room so you didnt wake him up but your sister almost fell and make a small creak noise. Your father opened one eye and groaned.

"Who made that noise!" You and your sister flinched at his voice. You heard your sister shake silently and you decided to take the blame.

"I made the noise sir" Your sister looked at your and shook her head. you can tell she didnt want you to take the blame and get whipped and tortured for something she did. The man got up and looked at you then to your sister. he scoffed which made you and her flinch at the sudden sound.

"Lies i can tell your trying to protect your sister...You disgusting being of a child!" He yelled and suddenly slapped you which caused you to fly across the room and slam on to the wall with a bang. you groaned in pain and touch the back of your head you winced in pain feeling your head throb.

Your father got closer to you and grabbed your by the throat lifting you into the air making you struggle to breathe.

"Listen here...Dont lie to me ...I can tell by just looking at your Face that you want to protect her and her alone... and im not allowing that...Ill beat you here and now for lying to me" he dropped you and you landed on your butt which add more intense pain to your body. The man grabbed you hair and dragged you to the room he tortured you in. you heard your sister call out your name in tears.


He hung you up back on the chains and started punching you in the face which made you have a brusied up face and could barely see now. You didnt scream or made a single sound which made him more mad then usual.

"huh? your not making any noise... How boring" Your father hissed out as he turned around and grabbed a knife.

"we'll see how long you can hold that noise in shall we?"

He grabbed both of your legs which you tried to pull away but his grip was too tight and it started to hurt. He slash one huge cut on both of your inner thighs which made your wince and groan. He chuckled and let go of your legs.

" your not as fun as the other one... your more dead then usual" thats all you heard until you blacked out.

the next day you woke up to a sudden pain in your legs and face. you really didnt care about your body screaming in pain. you cared about your sister most of the time... you fell down suddenly when the chains broke off.

The Wind and Blood (Sanemi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now