Black Heart Chp. 12 [Buggy? x Reader x Beckman?]

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**Update** This piece is now part of my story Black Heart

Please read!!!

So this is a modified part of a story idea I've had for a while now. It's only semi-formed and I still don't have any ending in mind. That's why I'm posting it here as a one shot.

Some context! This takes place canonically while the Straw Hats are up in Skypiea and Buggy is sailing around near Jaya. Reader is an information broker who is very well known and sought out, though she isn't as great as all the rumors about her say she is.

This one shot plonks you down right in the middle of my plot idea so keep that in mind if things aren't making sense..

Sorry, no lemon

... I think that's everything.... hopefully someone on here will enjoy this weird brain child of mine :P

(P.s. the 3rd chapter in this book is a follow up/prequel to this one shot but with one of my OCs instead of reader-chan)

Fluffy white clouds scudded across the azure sky. Gulls and skuas called out as they flew overhead, searching the water for a shoal of fish that had strayed too close to the surface. The sun shone happily down on the Grand Line. It was a beautiful day.

You hated it.

You lay on your bed, pulling the pillow over your head to block out the intrusive rays shining through the porthole above. You really shouldn't have left the last island so quickly. Sure, it had had to be a sudden departure given the situation, but you hadn't even had time to restock your supplies.

Your stomach let out loud growl and you curled in on yourself to lessen the hunger pains.

At least you could gain some satisfaction knowing that the black market slave trade was surely being busted open on that last island. You'd managed to complete your mission and alert the marines to the scheduling of the next hand-over. Sure someone had spilled the beans and let every slaver in the area know that it was your fault they couldn't use Kilps Island as a drop anymore and they had come after you with their swords sharp and guns cocked. But at least you'd gotten paid.

You squinted your eyes open and smiled at the sack of belis on the small kitchen counter.


You stiffened and lifted your head. The low rustle of the relatively calm waves were all that broke the silence. You must have been dreaming. When the call didn't repeat itself you dropped your head back down and resumed your fuming.

What good was the money if you hadn't used it to buy crucial food and supplies?! Who knows how long it would be until the next island. You'd have to hope the fish were plentiful in this area. You'd been doing that a lot lately...

No, don't think about it now. Just go to sleep! You squinted your eyes closed so hard that you saw spots swimming behind your eyelids.


Your glare almost burned a hole through the door. There was no mistaking it this time. Why the hell was there someone shouting at you in the middle of the sea?!

"Hello? Anybody there?"

It didn't sound like they were going away. With a loud groan, you got up and threw open the door, making sure to stomp extra loudly as you emerged on deck.

"WHAT?!" you shouted at the bright blue sky.

"Gyahahahahahahaha! I knew I recognized this unflashy excuse for a boat!"

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