"being a Sorceress is hard huh, tell me what's Leah face looks like without her mask" he look at me

"I'm sorry Robin, Leah told me never to tell anyone or she'll chop my head off" I shivered in fear

"knowing Leah, she'll do it" shivered too

I sense that the heartbeat is coming from Artemis

"hey, Robin. Artemis is here" I look at him

Dick said "let's surprised her" I nod in him agreement

when we show ourselves at her

Dick said "Artemis?"

Artemis look at us surprised

she said "Robin? Kathleen? I, uh.." don't know what to say

I do know Artemis parents and the Justice League told me about her

Dick said "how random that your in Gotham City instead of Star City where your uncle Green Arrow lives?" we approach her

Artemis said "I'm, uh, here to see my cousin" she scratch her head. Artemis is really horrible at lying "she was in the state spelling bee. here. in. Gotham City"

"c-o-o-l did she w-i-n?" he spelled it out

"n-o" glared at him

"d-r-a-g" I roll my eyes at him and smack his head lightly

"stop pressuring Artemis, R-O-B-I-N. it doesn't matter if her cousin lose at least she tried, right?" I smiled at her

Artemis said "yeah. let's go to the cave"

Dick said "ladies first" he bow and point at the abandoned phone call

"your town. you go"

he went inside first

'recognized Robin. b-01' then left

suddenly I see another vision

*Artemis P.O.V*

"hey, Kathleen. you should go first"

when I look at her, she froze and her eyes are glowing. then Leah came

Leah said "what's wrong?" she look at us

I replied "Kathleen.. her eyes are glowing!" exclaim

Leah look at Kathleen. then, Kathleen gasped and look at me and Leah

Leah said "what happened?"

Kathleen said "everyone is in danger! we have to save them"

what does it mean?

I replied "what do you mean, Kathleen?" in a worried tone

Kathleen said "I could feel their in pain and-" we hear the phone call

Leah said "sorry, it's mine" she take a phone call "L, here.. I'll be right there" end up the call

"who's that?"

"your father asked me to go after him. I have to go" she leave

*Kathleen P.O.V*

when Leah left. Artemis look at me

she said "I'll go first okay?"

'recognized Artemis b-07'

leaving me alone. when I was about to see another vision but, I see nothing

'recognized Athena 00'

"look out!" Dick shout

I stop the fire by snapping my fingers as Artemis and Robin are my side

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