chapter thirty one | hey, you

Start from the beginning

Jason turned his camera back on and went through the pictures until he landed on the picture he wanted. We were mid kiss, the wind blowing and the sun shining. The photo was in incredible quality, almost seeming like it was a stock photo, or something from a movie.

"That's a really nice picture," I muttered.

"Thank you, Miss Assassin, I'm glad you approve." He turned off the camera and stuffed it back in its carrier. "Hey, if you're the queen's sister, then would that make you a princess?"

Technically, I was a princess at the moment, just not in the way he thinks. "Victoria's royal by marriage. Only her children have titles, not family members."

"So you're a lady," Avery says.

I smirked. "I was born a lady. The kingdom hardly uses titles anymore but technically, I'd be Lady Vera of House Carmicheal."

"Oh, apologies, m'lady." The two boys jokingly bow to me, making me giggle. I definitely did not expect Atticus' friends to ever warm up to me, but here we are. "Do you want to join us for breakfast? Anne is meeting us at Aussie's. Mickey hasn't wanted to join us since the break up-"

"Are you going to show her the picture?" I asked. I didn't mind, not at all. This was between her and Atticus. But I didn't want to throw him under the bus.

Jason shook his head. "I could send it to you guys, if you want, and I'll just delete it before showing the photos to her. It'll be quick, you don't have to be worried."

"Are you doing that out of the kindness of your heart, or are you scared of the people we know?" Atticus asked with a smirk.

Jason shrugged. "A little bit of both, if I'm being honest."

The four of us laughed, and headed back to the town. This was better. This started to feel more like home.

I THINK THESE ARE some of the best waffles in the world, though I won't say they're the best. If I close my eyes, I would always be able to smell and taste Dad's waffles whenever I ate. The memory helped me get through more than enough of terrible, cold meals.

Avery, Jason and Atticus are already on their third waffle, each. I don't understand how - Aussie's waffles are huge, stacked with strawberries and whipped cream and maple syrup. They always claim that they're buying them for Anne, but end up eating them anyway.

It's been thirty minutes since we've arrived. Jason claims that his girlfriend was in some fashion emergency, as if anyone can look good at seven in the morning. The boys and I end up talking about all of their high school fails, from Jason accidentally killing his first date by feeding her strawberries on their first date (because apparently one can be allergic to them) to Avery almost setting the school on fire one day in chemistry.

Finally, the bell to the restaurant rang and Anne walked in, in clothes that probably weren't appropriate this early in the morning. She wore a full face of makeup and everything. "Hey," she greets, a smile on her face. She leans in and gives Jason a kiss. "Sorry we're late, we got held up."

Wait - did she say "we"?

I look behind her, where Mikayla enters the store. She takes one look at Atticus and I and rolls her eyes. Okay then, Snow Queen, be like that. "Hey guys, I didn't expect to have more company outside of our group."

I screamed internally. Of course she knew, that's why she's in a pretty floral dress at 7AM. That's why she has bright lipstick on when she's supposed to have breakfast at a waffle house. She's here to try to win her boyfriend back, despite everything.

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