"That's okay," Dr. Robin said softly, "we can change the subject. Let's get you focused on something else. Can you tell me what happened this week? Anything new?"

Violet thought for a moment, relieved she was given such an easy pass.
"I wrote a lot this week." Violet explained.
She was a freelance writer, and got a lot of paid gigs writing for others and editing work pieces, but in her free time she wrote short stories and poetry.

"Have you given your book any more thought?"

Violet scrunched her nose, and shook her head. "No, I scrapped the last idea, too. I can't really commit to anything. I'll think I'm totally sold on a plot, but then I change my mind."

"That's okay," Dr. Robin smiled, "the right idea will come."

"But," Violet continued, finding much more joy talking about her writing, "I finished a lot of poetry that I had been putting off. I've saved a bunch to a collection on my laptop, and I thought about maybe publishing them. Or, I've thought about thinking about publishing them."

"So you're considering considering it?" Dr. Robin chuckled.

Violet grinned, "Exactly. I'll play with the idea for a bit longer. Other than that, I put some time aside for Jenna and Jake. Oh, and I spent some time with dad and Lucy yesterday. I picked Lucy up from school, and had dinner with them."

"Has it been easier?" Dr. Robin asked, "Spending time with your father?"

Violet winced, "Eh, easier than it has been, I guess. Things are okay right now. They'll get worse, and then they'll get better."

"I see." Dr. Robin nodded, "Unfortunately, Violet, we've only got about ten minutes left this session. Is there anything else you'd like to add before we wrap it up?"

Violet shook her head, quickly, "No, nothing really burning in my mind at the moment."

"Oh!" Dr. Robin pointed, "You mentioned last week that Jenna is holding a speed dating event. Are you still planning on attending?"

Violet wanted to sink in her seat.
Jenna, Violet's best friend, was an event planner and worked for a local entertainment company. She planned a lot of fun attractions downtown, and a speed dating event for singles in their 20s was her latest idea.

"I'll go, I'll go." Violet groaned. "But, just to be a supportive friend. It's this weekend."

Dr. Robin smiled, "Well, I can't wait to hear all about it. I'll see you next week."

Violet and Dr. Robin went through the usual meeting closure procedure, and Violet made her way out of the office. A gust of cold wind smacked her in the face as she made her way down the streets of downtown Boulder, Colorado. March was ending, and spring was supposedly approaching, but Violet's nose was still a bright red and her cheeks flushed against the icy chill. Her hands and arms got lost in the oversized flannel she was wearing, but she pulled them closer to her for extra warmth. She looked around at the abundance of people gathered around. Groups of friends were placed in the patio seating of outdoor pubs and restaurants. Couples met for coffee and brewery tastings. People snapped pictures of each other on their cell phones, laughing and smiling, dogs were being walked by their loving owners, musicians stood on each corner playing their own acoustic tunes. The tulips were erupting, ready to bloom - just waiting for the perfect moment.

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