A Familiar Face

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Dean, Sam and Castiel are behind me in the Impala as we drive down the highway. Jackson sleeps peacefully in the back. "So are you and Dean married? How did you guys meet?" Addy asks breaking the hour of silence we've had for the hundred miles. "No we're not married and that's a long story that can wait." I answer. She rolls her eyes and continues to peer out the window.  I see a rest stop sign indicating there's one coming up, "Do you have to go to the bathroom?" I ask her and she nods. I bring my phone out and dial Sam. "Hey we're gonna stop at the rest stop, ok." I say and wait for his response. I hear Dean complaining about time and how women must have small bladder's. "That's fine. It's time we stretch our legs anyway." Sam says and we hang up just as I make the exit for the rest area.

Addy dashes out and runs to the restrooms. Deah's head pops up above the impala parked beside me. "Guess she really had to go." He says. I roll my eyes and check on Jackson. "Dean!" I scream. As I look at the toddler before me. He looks like Jackson but that's crazy he was only just months old. Dean, Sam, and Cas come to the passenger side of the car. "What the hell? Who is this?" Dean says peering in at the toddler. Cas reaches in and looks into the boys eyes.

Castiel backs out of the car, "It appears he is aging quickly, But this is Jackson. He's approximately two years old." He says. I stare at him in confusion as does Dean. Sam speaks up, "So will he stop aging or keep going rapidly?" He asks. "It's hard to say, but I can head to heaven and ask Hanna." Cas replies. "Well get your ass up there and find out what the hell is going on with our son, Cas." Dean shouts at him and within seconds Castiel is gone. "Mommy." The little boy, who is apparently Jackson says. Dean looks at him, "Daddy." He says to Dean and I see Dean's face go from stern to soft in seconds. Dean leans in and picks him up. Seeing Jackson at two side by side with Dean, they look like twins. Sam comes back from the bathroom, "Hey Liv, you might wanna go check on Addy. I heard crying." He says. I head towards the restrooms.

As I get closer I hear muffled cries, "Addy are you ok?" I say opening the big steel door as it creaks. I see her standing in front of the mirror sobbing. I stand beside her, "Addy, what's wrong?" I ask her placing my hand on her shoulder. She keeps her gaze on her reflection. "Is this really my life? Am I really on a road trip with my half sister I had no knowledge of, an angel, a demon knight of hell, the very thing that killed my mother, his brother and his spawn?" She says. I look at her through the mirror, "Look I just learned that my father had another family that he hid from this life. I was forced into this life of monsters. But yes this is your life now. I'm sorry." I tell her and turn to leave.

I exit and run into Dean, "She ok?" He asks. Before I can answer Addy swings the door open and hugs me. "Don't be sorry for finding me, Olivia. Who knows who else could have found me. Thank you. And thank you Dean for letting me tag along with you." She says and walks off towards the car. I look at Dean as he still waits for my answer, "I guess she's fine." I say. He takes my hand, which takes me by surprise. He intertwines our fingers and gives me a wink. He tugs me in the direction of the cars. "Dean, what's gotten into you?" I ask as I follow him. He quickly turns around bringing my hands into his chest. "I just feel like today, things are gonna change." He says kissing me with so much passion.

I hear a muffled grumble from Sam and clapping hands from Addy. I pull away smiling like teen who just got caught by her father. Which my dad would be upset about me kissing a Winchester. I get in my car and Dean leans in the window, "So we've got probably another three hours of driving, but we'll stop in Wickenburg overnight. K drive safe." He says and leans in to kiss me. Hopeful Dean is amazingly sweet.

It wasn't too much longer until we hit the next town. It was different this time driving because I now have a very talkative toddler in the back. "Hey Liv, I'm no expert or anything. But I think he needs a bigger car seat." Addy points out. "I know. This is weird even for me." I tell her. I pull into a motel and wait while the guys get our rooms. Dean comes out first and hands me a room key, "You girls have the room next to ours." He says. "Hey Dean?" Addy says causing Dean to stop, he nods at her. "Why don't you two have one room and I'll bunk with Sam, If it's ok with him." She says catching us both off guard. Dean tilts his head to one side, "Well go ask him." He says tossing his head in the direction of Sam.

We wait by the car and watch as my sister and his brother interact. Dean gets Jackson out, "Hey little man. Can you stop growing for daddy?" He says to our toddler. "I sure hope Hanna knows what's going on." I say grasping his little hand. "Well the good thing is we start taking blood. He's clearly old enough now." Dean says as Jackson wiggles in his arms to be let down. Dean looks at me for permission. "Can he walk?" He asks. I shrug. He puts him down, and he stands, looks back at us and sees Sam, Points, "Unca Sam!" He says and begins to run to Sam. Dean goes after but I catch his arm. "Let him go. We can see him."  I say amazed at my son who can now run and talk.

Sam sees Jackson running to him and instinctively bends down and stretches his arms out. Jackson collides with Sam and shouts, "Unca Sam!" Sam picks him up as we reach him. "So he can walk, run, and talk. Is he potty trained too?" He says. Dean looks to me and I shrug, "I hope so." He says. Addy stands beside Sam and poke Jackson's little belly. "Sam said it was cool with him, so I'll grab  my bag and follow you Big guy." She says patting Sam on the back. "Thanks Sam. She seems to like you." I say, He smiles. "Yeah, Maybe it's because we can relate." He says handing Jackson to Dean.

A couple hours later we all sit in mine and Dean's room, watching Addy play with Jackson, when suddenly Cas appears. "He's coming and he's angry with you Dean." He says. We all look at Dean, who shrugs, "Who coming, Cas? And why is he angry with me?" Dean asks him. "Cain." He says and looks to the door, "He's here." Cas says and seconds later the front door flings open, to reveal a tall man with gray hair and a fairly long beard. His voice booms through the room as he says Dean's name.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean fires back. Cain steps further into the room mere inches from Dean. "What am I doing here? Look boy, If you can't handle the mark anymore, then by all means lets reinact how I gave it to you." He says with a scowl. Dean shakes his head, "You want it back? But you said..." He says only to cut off by Cain, "I know what I said, But I can't let you give this over to some poor sap with a future. And I certainly am not going to let you hand it over to you son." Cain says looking to Jackson. "Cas said you were angry with me?" Dean says looking to a confused Cas. "Well I was, until I realized how much I missed it." Cain says. He looks to me and Addy, "You two will be very close, just wait. Now Dean shall we?" He says sticking his arm out. Dean looks at his brother and then me, with a nod her grabs Cain's forearm.

The mark lights up a reddish color illuminating Dean and Cain's veins. Dean begins to scream in pain as I can begin to see the mark reappear onto Cain's arm, As the entire mark is on Cain's arm it is no longer bright and Dean passes out. I kneel beside Dean, and look up at Cain as he is gripping his arm and making a fist. "Will he be ok?" I ask him. Cain snaps his head in my direction, "I don't know. But he's a Winchester who knows. I should kill you all, but I'm in a giving mood. Let's hope I don't run into you lot again." He says as he leaves slamming the door.

Sam joins me on the floor with Dean, "Dean! Dean! Wake up damn it." Sam says shaking his brother. Addy takes Jackson in the other room. I meet Cas's gaze, "Cas do something!" I shout at him. He stands there looking at where Dean lies, "I can't see him." He says. "What do you mean, he's right here!" Sam says. Cas backs up against the wall, "I can't see him Sam."

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