Let Me Do This

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Addy has been passed out for a few hours now. We've gathered around the small table by the window. "So what are we going to do with her?" Dean asks. I eye him, "What do mean 'do with her'? Like kill her?" I ask him. Shaking his head he answers, "No. I mean are we going to send her on her way once she wakes up." Sam gives him the same look I gave him. "Dean! She's my sister." I say. He rolls his eyes, "Yeah and you've just met her hours ago." He says flatly. Sam gives me a look almost to apologize for Dean's lack of emotion.

"So what. She's still apart of my dad, therefore apart of me. She's coming with us." I exclaim. He leans in, "Liv, come on. Do we really need another person with us? It's bad enough we have an infant." He whispers to me. I sit back not sure how I should take his last statement about our son. "What about Adam? Yeah I heard all about him." I snarl at him. "You don't play fair. It's a completely different situation." He says with his head hung. Sam joins Cas just outside the window, giving us time to discuss this growing disagreement. But before he closes the door he turns around, "Dean for the record, Maybe she just needs another girl around." He says then finally closes the door.

Sam, my friend and defender. "Dean you know if you were in my shoes, you'd want her to stay as well." I say, he looks up. "You don't know that. You only know the broken and demonic knight of hell me. So don't sit there and think you know me." He shouts.

"You know what fine. In the morning I'll take her and Jackson and go our own way." I shout back at him. His eyes go black and he gets up stomping off out the front door and peeling out in the impala. Sam and Castiel come inside, "What happened?" Sam asks. I shake my head and lay down on the bed opposite Addy. Seconds later I feel someone sit on the bed. I sit up to see Sam. "He's such an ass hat." I say. Sam nods in agreement. "He's relentless. He stormed off because I said I was going to take Addy and Jackson and go off on our own." Sam hangs his head, "You can't. Those demons are probably still after Addy and if you go off alone, they'll be after you and Jackson." He says with concern and fear on his face. Before I can answer headlights appear in the window. Sam gets up and peeks out, "It's Dean." He says. I roll over, not wanting to see him.

"Olivia. We need to talk." Dean says walking in. Addy wakes up rubbing her eyes. "Great I'm still here. It wasn't a dream." She says. Sam sits beside her to explain to her what's going on and to chill her attitude for a few minutes.

I get up and walk outside with Dean. "What?" I say leaning against the motel. He stands across from me arms crossed. "If you leave now I know I'll never see you again." He says with so much emotion I forget for a second he's a demon. "Dean I'm asking for just this one thing." I say. He runs a hand down his face, "That's the thing Olivia. it's always just one thing. I give in to you to easily and it scares me." He says with tear filled eyes.

"Why?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders, "Because I love you and I'd do anything for you. Like bring your sister along with us." He finishes. I don't know why but him showing this emotion overwhelms me with tears. These are signs of him becoming human again.

I hug him, so tight as does he. "Olivia let me do this." He says. "Do what?" I ask. "Be in charge. Of this relationship." He says. I roll my eyes and nod. We join our crew of misfits. "How long have you two been together?" Addy asks us as we walk in. "Well about three months now." Addy looks at Jackson then to Dean and I. "You're joking right? Three months? Like you just made it official?" She asks. Dean shakes his head, "Nope as in we've literally known each other for three months. Cas over there put the pregnancy in overdrive."  Addy just stares at us like we're freaks, which I guess in a sense we are.

Sam comes in from the conjoining room next door, "Hey I found something about John." He says and Dean joins him, I stay in the room with Addy. "I know it's a lot to take in, But trust me it's not all that bad." I tell her. She looks up at me and nods letting a breath out. "So who's John?" She asks. I look into the other room and see the boys face glued to Sam's laptop. "He's a newly found relative of their's. That mark on Dean's arm, is what we're trying to get rid of." I reply. She nods pretending she's following along, as she tugs on her clothes. "How long has it been since you've taken a shower and had clean clothes?" I ask her. "I had a shower last week thanks to a nice old lady at a truck stop. Clothes I've had these for a year now." She says sheepishly. I get up and dig through my bag, we look about the same size. I hand her some pants and a shirt, "Here go ahead and go relax in a bath. We'll talk more later." I say and she heads into the bathroom. I check on Jackson who is sound asleep and join the guys.

"So what are we screwed? I mean does this mean I'm stuck with this damn thing." Dean says rolling up his sleeve. I tap Sam's shoulder, He looks up and points to his laptop. I examine the screen which displays a death certificate of one Johnathan Ridley. I look at Sam with my mouth open. "Get up. I'm going to look for any next of kin." I say nudging him out of his seat. "Be my guest but I've tried." He says. Dean is pacing back and forth.

An hour later I've found a Caleb Ridley, John's son. "Sam. I found his son." I say and he gets up from the bed smoothing his hair back. "How did you? Never mind. Where is he?" He asks. "He's actually a freshman at ASU. His dad and him weren't on the best of terms from what I gathered from his Facebook page." Sam shakes his head, "No we can't burden him with this. He's a kid." He says. I slam the laptop down. "Are you fucking kidding me? This 20 year old is just a kid? But you willing to burden my 4 month old son, your nephew, with it. You're an ass." I say and walk back into my room. I hear Sam, "Olivia, I'm sorry. That's not how I meant it to come out." I ignore him and walk out the front door and sit on the ground.

Dean comes out minutes later, "Hey what was with all the shouting?" He asks sitting next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder, "I found John's son. He's a freshman in college. Sam said no we can't do this to him. And it made me furious because he was so willing to give the damn mark to Jackson." I explain to him. He nods his head, "Sammy! Get your ass out here." He shouts back at the motel. Moments later Sam and Addy come out to join us. "Olivia, Sam was telling me about these different monsters and weapons and that you guys can train me to use them. Can you?" She says excitedly. Dean takes Sam behind the Impala and starts talking to him. "I don't know Addy. We'll see." I tell her and she slumps and sits beside me.

"So you and Dean have really known each other for only three months?" She asks and I nod. "Well it's seems like you've known each other longer." She continues. "Addy where are you from?" I ask her. "Louisiana. You?" She says. Louisiana huh. So that's why we were around New Orleans a lot. "Michigan. Dad never mentioned anything about me?" I ask. She shakes her head, "No. From what mom told me, he was previously married but both his wife and daughter were killed." I can't believe he would say I was dead. I guess I really didn't know my dad as well as I thought I did.

Addy and I sit in silence until Dean and Sam begin walking back over. "Olivia I'm sorry." Sam says. I stand up and hug him. "It's cool Sam I understand now. You were forced out of college for this life and you don't want him to do the same." I say. He hugs me back with a smile.

"Ok can we head inside now?" Dean asks. We go in and Sam goes to his room, Addy sits on her bed, and Dean lingers around and grabs my hand. "Hey, do you want me to leave the door open?" He asks. He figured he'd stay with Sam tonight and let Addy and I talk. "You guys don't sleep in the same bed?" Addy asks. Dean looks to me and raises his brows. "We do but we decided since you're here maybe it's be best if..." She cuts me off by putting waving her hands, "Hey just because I'm here don't change your routine. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to talk later on. Besides I'm tired anyway." She says. Dean nods and bounces on my bed, and pats it, "Come on, gorgeous." He says. I climb in bed and turn off the lamp.

"Hey Olivia." I hear Addy say in the darkness. "Yeah?" I say. "Thanks and Goodnight." She says, I smile, "Goodnight." With that we all fall asleep.

I know in the morning we will all be heading to ASU to find Caleb. Hopefully by tomorrow night the mark will be off of Dean's arm. I hope this Caleb winds up being a jerk so I won't feel so bad. Tomorrow things are going to change.

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