Chapter Eight

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Abby's POV

I heard a car's engine roar very early in the morning and knew that was Mr Stone leaving. I was tempted to call him and ask him to give me the explanation he promised to give but sleep got the best of me. To tell you the truth, it was not easy waking up in the middle of the night to comfort your children because they are afraid of thunder but it gets the job done anyway. They had been afraid of thunder when they were babies and I will have to wait until they are probably preteens or teenagers before they will finally face their fears. Besides, I like holding them in my arms because it reminded me of when they were tiny, fragile infants that could make a heartless man cry.

Speaking of man, why was Mr Stone here?

"Mommy," I hear George say as he sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning darling," I say ribbing his head which caused his wolf to give a small growl. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah," then he looked around. "Where is he?"


"Mr Stone."

I sighed. "I don't know where he is darling."

"Mr Stone is gone?" I look down and see Lyla was awake. I rub her head and nod.

"Yeah he is."

"What was he doing here in the middle of the night?" Brandon asked me sitting up immediately.

"I don't know honey." I said tiredly trying and failing to hold back a yawn. "So do you guys want to eat?"

Giving me their reply, I trudge to the kitchen to prepare breakfast while they took the blankets and the pillows to the bedroom. When they were done, we ate silently, watched TV and slept off again. By afternoon, I got myself ready to go to the store to buy groceries.

I loved shopping on Sunday's because I get discount coupons at my favorite supermarket. Today, there was a coupon for pork, eggs and cheddar cheese followed by caned beef and buttermilk.

Using the coupons, to my advantage, I bought what I wanted and was about to leave when I came face to face with someone I did not want to see, Eric Anderson.

"Why Abby," he said still keeping that flair of arrogance with him. "Fancy seeing you here."

I frown. "Good afternoon Eric." and began to walk off.

"Is that what you want to say?" he asked looking back at me. I turn and say goodbye to him and walk off with my children following me.

"I have to say you are looking rather stunning." he says reluctant to let me go. "I still can't understand why you are still rejecting me..."

I quickly interrupt him because I know where that phrase was going to take me, "Oh please let's not go there again." I said. "I told you once and I told a million times, I am not interested in you."

He frowned. "That is because you did not give me a chance."

I shook my head in annoyance remembering what he told me and it was still clear in my eyes that I had not yet forgiven him for telling me that.

I was dating Eric back in college so you could say that we were college sweethearts. Everyone called us an ideal couple except my mom who told me that he was too shallow for her liking. I took that statement as a sign of mistrust and hopped that it will disappear with time but as time went on I began to take notice of it and that followed with his air of arrogance which began to annoy both me and my mom.

But I saw the real him when I got pregnant. He accused me of cheating on him immediately when the rumors hit him and when he realized that I was raped, he was less than happy about it. It was later revealed that he was going to propose to me during our graduation ceremony but now that I got pregnant by a stranger, he could not do it because that will tarnish his 'squeaky clean image'. So, he gave me an ultimatum: I abort the baby and marry him or we were through. Well no need to guess what I picked and I ended up not coming for the party because I was hospitalized.

"Look if it is because of what I said before, I am sorry," he said and I was not a fool to know that he did not mean that apology.

"Look, how about we just sit down and talk about this." he asked as his final attempt to talk to me.

"I am busy," I said putting the gear on reverse.

I heard him scoff. "With what?"

In response, I tilt my head back as a signal to show that I had kids in the car and any parent would tell you that kids keep you busy. Besides, I had to help them prepare for kindergarten tomorrow.

He sighed and gave my kids a weary eye, tapped on the door of my car and left.

I drove out of the parking lot still fuming with anger.

Three weeks later...
I was in my office completing my project when my phone rang. I look at it and saw that it was Mr. Stone and answered it.

"Hello?" I called.

"Hello Abby."

"Mr. Stone, how are you?" I asked cheerfully.

"Oh I am fine," he said with a sigh.

I frown. "Are you sure, you sound like you have not slept in days."

"No, no I am fine, honestly I am fine." came a rushed reply followed by another sigh. "Listen Abby, remember that night?"

"Yeah, I do." I pause. "Why the sudden rush to our house and why did you leave so quickly."

I heard a gulp followed by heavy breathing which freaked me out. Was I dealing with an obsessed freak? I was about to hang up and call 911 when he finally spoke.

"I uh, want to tell you my reason for what happened that night."

"Uh, okay,"

"So do you mind if I drop by your house tonight?"

"Of course you can. You can stop by for dinner."

"Yeah, yeah, thank you. So I should come by ten o clock?"

I eyebrows flew up immediately. "What?"

"Sorry," I meant by six o clock and uh, do you mind if I stay the night there?"

Okay, my suspicions where growing. "I am not sure about you spending the night but you can come by six. Dinner will be ready by then."

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem. I got to go now. I have to complete this project."

"Okay, goodbye."

"Goodbye." then I hung up the phone and rested my head on my desk. What was getting myself into? What if he was worse than an obsessive freak? My mind raced with a lot of questions and was wild with imaginations until one made me tremble with fear: the image of him kidnapping my kids.

I gulped but swallowed my fear. I am their mother and I must protect them with my life. I had already invited him to come over but he dare not try anything funny.

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