chapter 7

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Enji's pov

God damn it, things were just starting to go well. But then Nemuri had to ruin it. I was so close into just sinking my teeth into his neck. Ah well, there's always a next time for me.
Toshi moved away from me so quickly with a very red flustered face.
" WE WEREN'T DOING THAT!" Toshi yelled with panic.
" Aww, but it looked like it, face it! Enji's your new boyfriend!!!" Nemuri yelled with excitement. " No he's not!" Toshi crossed his arms trying to cover his face. I got up from my position and went up to Aizawa. " Suppose it wasn't that hard to find us?" Aizawa gave me a look. " Well with broken shit everywhere, yeah, wasn't that hard." Aizawa went over to Toshi. " Here's your bag, you left it." Aizawa voice sounded strained, as if there was something wrong with it. " Wow! Thanks! I completely forgot I left it!" Toshi grabbed the bag and put it on his lap " Sorry for all the trouble we caused." Toshi blushed while scratching the back of his head. Nemuri went over to Toshi and just looked at him.
" Ooooooo, tell me all the details Toshi~"
She pointed at a little red mark on his neck. Maybe I was able to bite him just a little bit, but he bruises too easily.
" NO NEMURI!!!" " Aww come on! Why were you two even on top of eachother in the first place?" She crossed her arms waiting for an answer. " We were play fighting....." Toshi said, sounding too embarrassed to look at Nemuri. " And why was his face in your neck? That can only explain one thing." Nemuri wiggled her eyebrows at me. " I was just..............t-tickleing...........him." I wanted to lie but then that would just be me telling Nemuri what she wants to hear. " Tickleing? *sigh* you guys are such dorks." Nemuri crouched down to Toshi. " I can't wait to catch you guys doing 'it' together." Nemuri said in a seductive voice. Toshi's face was the brightest red it could ever be. He held his bag so tight that it might just rip apart in a second.  " I wonder who'll be on top and who'll be on bottom. I bet 10 bucks it'll be Enji on top." Nemuri said to Yamada. " No way I bet 20 bucks it'll be Toshi." Yamada fussed. " Please stop." Toshi announced with the both of them. Yamada looked over at Toshi and regret just entered his face. " Fuck, I'm gonna lose." Yamada head went low. " HA! You owe me money!" Nemuri laughed at Yamada. " Thats enough between the both of you. Just because they look like it doesn't mean they actually are, now put it to rest." Aizawa glared at the both of them. " Thanks Aizawa." Toshi sighed.

We started to walk around more and find our way out, but this forest is one of the biggest ones in all of Japan. We are going to be here for a long time not only does no one know we are out here, but it has hit our luck that it is also the beginning of our two week break of being heros in training. We are going to have to wait two weeks for school to start back up and our  teachers to slap us on the head for thinking that this was a good idea. But there was just one thing that shouldn't have occurred. That now me and Toshi are thinking the same thing. I was stuck in thought of what Nemuri had said, if it would to occur, just to see him sprawled on the bed helpless, sweating moaning, begging, asking me for more until he can't breath. Shit, this should not be something in my head.

A rumble had came from the sky. Its about to rain, and we have nothing to keep us from getting wet. We all tried to at least find a cave for us to sleep in. A shining sliver from a rock to tell us that it will keep us covered. I couldn't feel much but I could tell from the others that it was really cold. Everyone was trying to keep warm while I tried to find a cave. A few minutes later and bingo. Found it. " Guys come on! I found one!" I yelled back to them.
I saw them all run to the cave and try to warm up. Everyone was wet but Toshi was drenched, probably tripped or went face first into a bunch of leaves.
" Fire, please." Toshi said shaking uncontrollably. I put up a fire as fast as possible, within a few minutes the other three were warming up but Toshi was still as cold as ever.
" Tch, come here you idiot." I grabbed Toshi by the arm and put my arm over him. I used my quirk just a little bit so I wouldn't burn him. " Just friends you say?" Nemuri snorted over to us. " Its either this or him getting hypothermia."
I glared throwing a tiny fire ball at her.
" Well isn't that a sight for sore eyes?" Aizawa pointed over to Toshi and the poor bastard fell a sleep. I scoffed over to him. " Aren't you gonna move him or something?" Yamada asked. " No I- "* GASP* the surprise looks on their faces were something to never forget, but what i had just said is something I'll never forget. " No. Fuckin. Way."
"I KNEW IT!!!" " Didn't think this magical shit would happen." They were all squealing like fangirls when they go to their first boy band concert.
" Would guys just shut the hell up?!"
" You like him!!!" Nemuri danced in her feet. " I knew it since the first day I met you guys!" Nemuri giggled.
I sighed " Alright fine, you caught me. But not a word, if he finds out without me telling him, I will not be hesitant to turn into the new villain." I glared at the three of them. They all agreed and stayed quite for the rest of the time. But after a few minutes Aizawa tapped me on the shoulder. " Uh, Enji?" " Yes?" " There might be something you might know about Toshi." He pulls out Toshi's bag. " What about him?" Aizawa passes me the bag. " Go see for yourself." All I did was grab the bag from his hands.
" so what? You guys are just looking through his stuff now?" I glared at the three of them for an answer. " I wanted to snoop through his stuff, i didn't think I'd find anything but-" I cut Yamada off. " So you really think its ok to look through his stuff? For all he's done for you, this is what you do for him in return? He is literally the nicest kid in the whole UA."  I was starting to get angry at the three of them, but this time, I'll let them explain. " It was actually a good thing he did! Toshi's hiding something!" Aizawa jumped in.
" Just look!" Nemuri whispered loudly.
I grabbed the bag once again and opened it. I didn't see much but clothes, water, a flashlight, and a wallet. I gave a snar look to the three of them. " Keep looking." Aizawa whispered.
I kept looking through the bag until I reached a inside pocket. I  opened it and grabbed whatever was inside.
Three letters and a golden plate. I read ontop of the letters and the gold plate.
" Well?" Nemuri said impatiently.
As much as I wanted to read all of them, the first one was open. " Who opened this?" I glared at them. " None of us opened them." " Welllllllll....." " YAMADA!!!" we were all glaring at the loud idiot. " I'm sorry! I didn't read it though!" I rolled my eyes at what Yamda said. I took the letter out from the first one.

To: Toshinori, Yagi

I never left you....

Dear Yagi,

You know who this is coming from, but please, you have to believe me! I didn't mean for any of this to happen! I didn't mean to leave you! Life is hard y'know and even though I'm not there I still love you. And if you don't believe me, I'll show you that I had never left. That I'll always be there for you. But you have to learn to use your quirk, you can't just abandon it. It'll always be there, and the longer you chose to abandon the more of the effects you'll see. It was my quirk actually, me and your father worked so hard for you to have a quirk. And now that you have one, you won't even use it. But you'll learn to love what you have.


I have no clue what this means. Didn't Toshi always have a quirk? And why didn't he open this if he knew it was coming from his mother?
I handed it over for the other three to read. And I went over to the second letter. " You shouldn't do that." Aizawa said. " Why? He should already know after this." I tore the next letter and began to read.

To: Toshinori, Yagi

Please forgive me...

Dear Yagi,

I'm sorry, please, I truly am. I didn't mean to do this to you. You're the only family I have left. Please come back to mommy. Your father died after fighting off mutations from our experiments.

And just like that, that was the end of the letter. I wanted to burn it with all my fire. This shouldn't be something a mother says to her child, not even my mother, and she's one hell of a bitch.
I put the second letter to the side. Can't wait to see what this one brings.
I tore it open and began to read

To:Toshinori, Yagi


if you decide to read this, that means that I am already dead. The mutations had spread out to me, and I can no longer use my quirk. But Yagi, that quirk that I had tried to give you was mine. And I hope one day, you'll use it. Not for me but for yourself. The only dying wish that I have is for you to live your life. And don't end up like me. Please end up as anything else but me. I've always loved you son, And I'm sorry.

Chills had went down my back like never before. I had read the other two letters out loud for the others to hear, but Toshi's family is more fucked up than I thought. I wanted to just hurt someone. How can he even be ok with this? I looked over to Toshi who I thought was sound asleep. But he was just laying on my side, eyes filled with tears and heart broken. He got up from his place patting the dirt off of him.
" Toshi wait! Just please, don't run away." I said trying to reach out to him.
" I need some time by myself. * sniff* I'm sorry." He was on the brink of tears. And with one quick move he leap out of the cave and left. " Poor thing" Nemuri's voice was filled with regret. I also got up from my place on the floor. " I'll go talk to him, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I patted the dirt off and walked out. " Also make sure he doesn't lose control of his emoti-"
* SMASH* The big sound of shit breaking had me on high alert. I started to run over to where the noise came from. I kept on running until I saw Toshi just breaking things with all his might. " Toshi stop! Just calm down!" I tried to yell at him. But when he looked over at me his face was full of rage and his eyes......they turned black again, leaveing blue orbes in the darkness of his eyes. I looked over to his fists. His left was bleeding with blood but his right, it looked black? Is this the effects of what his mother was talking about? The black tar started to grow up Toshi's slowly. Along with his hair. Soon to no longer be a booming sun flower popping out of his head.
Please Toshi.....
Come back to me.....

Long one. Well, i tried my best to get this out. Yes I know, its late. But I thought to finish it since I already was almost done. Anyway, I hoped you guys enjoyed!

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