[TW] Goodbye

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"You cheater,"

Siyeon's breath was ragged as she forced the words out of her system. Her hands trembled due to her grip on the other woman's collar. Horrifying, nightmarish thoughts clouded her head as it awakened her trauma.

"Si, I never cheated on you," Bora explained, desperation in her voice,"I told you countless of times,"

"No, I saw it. I saw YOU," Siyeon refuted, her breath shaking,"How could you?!"

Bora opened her mouth to speak when Siyeon shoved her hard, causing her to let out a pained squeak upon landing on the concrete ground.
The wolf paced, her hands clutching the sides of her head as she let out strings of curses.

Bora swallowed, completely aware of what was happening. She quickly got up on her feet and rushed to the panicking woman.

"Fuck off!" Siyeon yelled, once again harshly shoving the woman away.

"Si...," Bora sighed in defeat,"Alright,"

"I'll leave you alone," She continued,"I give up trying to earn your forgiveness,"

Bora averted her eyes as she shook her head,"Let me just take care of something then i'm out of your hair,"

The short woman walked back to the house. She beckoned for Yoohyeon to follow her, then she stepped inside the dusty storage room.

Bora immediately opened the huge cabinet while Yoohyeon stared at her in wonder. The short woman grabbed an average sized box, placing it down in front of the taller for her to see.

"Can I trust you to make sure that Phil gets these?" Bora asked, a stern look on her face.

Yoohyeon nodded,"What's inside?"

"You'll know when you start cleaning them," Bora replied as she rummaged through the cabinet, hoping to get access to a certain object.

"Found it," Bora exclaimed, a hint of genuine happiness painted her face for a moment before it turned back into her pained expression.

Her tiny hands grabbed a giant, plush object from the depths of the cabinet. A sneeze came from her pointed nose as the plush discharged dust.
A nostalgic expression painted her face as she stared at the plush object. Her hands gripped the soft, dusty exterior of the object while she stifled a soft laugh.

"Please take care of this," Bora smiled as she handed the object over to the silver-haired girl,"I think Phil would love this one the most,"

"It looks cute," Yoohyeon responded, smiling as she pondered for a moment.

"It's the first time I saw Siyeon act like that," Yoohyeon anxiously stated,"What was up?"

"Do you not know?" Bora blinked, then she shook her head,"It's her trauma,"


"Yeah," Bora nodded,"But I don't think I should be telling you this,"

Bora dusted herself off before she stood up,"I have to go,"

"Okay," Yoohyeon nodded, tears stinging her eyes. Bora was a nice person to her.

And she could see how genuine Bora's words were every time they talked.

"Goodbye, unnie," Yoohyeon smiled, holding back tears. Since the woman watched the whole scene in secret, she knew she wouldn't be seeing Bora anytime soon.


Did Bora cheat on Siyeon?

What really happened?

What was Siyeon's trauma?

Yoohyeon sighed, trying to dismiss the thoughts clouding her head. She then bid the shorter woman farewell as she stood, her feet stuck to the ground while she watched Bora's back disappear from her view.

Outside, Bora made sure to distance herself from the curled up Siyeon to avoid more conflict. She felt the younger woman's eyes on her as she walked further away.
Upon leaving the street, Bora felt everything crash. All the bottled up tears finally spilled just as the dark clouds poured out cold rain.

"I'm sorry," She sobbed hard while she ran. The distance growing farther and farther as she cried hot, fresh tears.


"Baby?" Yoohyeon called out in a soft whisper. She watched her lover tremble on the concrete ground while curled up into a ball.

"Baby, it's me," Yoohyeon continued as she slowly took steps to the older woman,"You'll be fine,"

Upon hearing this, Siyeon quickly got up. Placing her hands around the taller's neck as she shook.

Yoohyeon pat her back in response,"Come on, let's go upstairs?"

Siyeon quickly nodded as she clung to the woman. Not wanting to let go.
Inside their bedroom, Siyeon collapsed on the bed in Yoohyeon's arms. The taller woman adjusted her position so both could be comfortable while she cuddled the trembling wolf.

"Siyeon...," Yoohyeon began, but was cut off with a shake of Siyeon's head.

"I'll tell you," She breathed out, fighting back tears,"I'll tell you how it all began,"

Yoohyeon nodded as she waited for Siyeon to start. A comforting hand caressing the wolf's cheek as Siyeon opened her mouth.

"Back then...,"


Phil's eyes shot open as he heard aggressive shouting from outside. He got up from his bed, pressing his ear to the door to hear more.

He felt tears sting his eyes as he heard Siyeon's shouting and Bora's crying. He thought about Bora's words the moment she was telling her story.
Siyeon's harsh words which were directed to Bora sunk in.

So this is why mom can't stay...

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