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I woke up to hear Jaden groaning, holding his head. I reached out and got the aspirin and water bottle from my bedsit and gave it to him

Ella: here
Jaden: thank you, sorry if I woke you up
Ella: it's okay

He took a aspirin, then drank from the water

Ella: your head feeling a little better
Jaden: yeah a bit, thanks again
Ella: it's fine, I'm gonna go make some breakfast, want anything
Jaden: I'll be fine with whatever
Ella: you can take a shower if you want, I have clothes you left behind in my wardrobe

I kissed his forehead then went downstairs, cracked 3 eggs into a bowl, then whisked it, I then put a bit of butter on a pan, starting the stove, then pouring the egg mix into it

I then got another pan and fried 4 pieces of  bacon (an: I don't eat bacon so idk how it's made🙃)

After a few minutes it was done, I set up the table, cutting the egg in half, putting one piece on Jadens plate and the other on mine, I then put 2 pieces of bacon on my plate and the other 2 on mine. I got 2 glasses and poured orange juice into them. I sat down and after a bit, Jaden came down

Jaden: wow you never told me you could cook
Ella: it's just bacon and egg
Jaden: still something

We ate it all and we're about to go upstairs and cuddle when the house phone rang, I went and answered it

??: hello, is this Ella Smith
Ella: yes who is this
??: this is the LA general hospital

I felt my face go pale

Ella: how - how can I help you
hospital: your mother has been involved in a car crash, she's in a critical condition, we need you to come down here immediately
Ella: yes, I'm on my way now

I ended the call putting the phone down

Jaden: baby what's wrong
Ella: nothing, I just remembered I have really important plans today, I'm sorry I can't hang out
Jaden: that's fine, what time do you need to be out
Ella: I need you to leave, like now
Jaden: oh okay, I'll just grab my stuff

He went upstairs, getting his things, said bye then left

I broke down crying, I grabbed my phone and called Noen, even though Jaden was my boyfriend and I loved him and trusted him a lot, last time my mum was in hospital Noen was their for me, he was the only one that knew how to calm me down when I was like this

Noen: hey El, what's up
Ella: my mum, she's - she's
Noen: I'm on my way now

The call ended and around 10 minutes later, Noen was here, I went in his car, he started driving to the hospital. When we got their, we got our their car and ran inside. I went up to the lady at the reception

Ella: hi, do you know where Amanda Smith is
Lady: what's your relationship with her
Ella: she's my mother
Lady: okay, just a minute please

She started typing on the computer

Lady: she's in room 209, just came out a surgery

I started running, I heard Noen saying thank you from behind me

We took the elevator to the 5th floor and ran to the room my mum was in, we went in the room. I broke down in tears again, Noen pulled me into a hug

Noen: it's okay El, your mum is so strong she'll get through this

After I calmed down, I went and sat at the seat next to the bed, a doctor came in

Ella: why isn't she awake
Doctor: she's in a coma, she's in a bad condition, we'll know more after the results from the surgery, she's scheduled for a x-ray
Ella: how- how long is she in a coma for
Doctor: I'm afraid we don't know that
Ella: can she hear me
Doctor: yes she can, however, as you've probably figured out she will not be able to reply, I'll leave you be now
Ella: okay, thank you

The doctor left the room, I was about to say something when Noen spoke before me

Noen: I'll leave you alone, call me in whenever your done
Ella: thank you so much
Noen: it's okay, I know you'd do the same for me

He left the room. I held my mums hand, it felt cold

Ella: hey mum, please wake up soon, I don't know what I'd do without you, I love you mum, I'm sorry I never told you that enough

I felt something squeeze my hand, I looked down, remembering my mum was holding my hand

Ella: Noen call a doctor, quick I yelled

The machine next to my mum started beeping, soon loads of doctors and nurses came in

Nurse: what happened
Ella: I - I was speaking to her and then erm I felt something squeeze my hand then the machine, it started beeping
Nurse: I'm gonna need you to leave the room
Ella: no please, she's my mum

I felt someone hold my hand, I looked up and saw Noen

Noen: it'll be okay, let's go out so they can fully focus on your mum

Noen led me out to where the chairs were, I saw them pushing my mums bed out the room, I wanted to stand up and run after them but Noen stopped me, I lay my head on his shoulder and started crying

Noen: does Jaden know your here
Ella: no
Noen: do you want me to tell him

I took my head off his shoulder

Ella: please don't, don't tell anyone, I'll speak to Jaden when I'm ready
Neon: okay, get some rest, I'll wake you up when your mums back
Ella: okay, thank you so much, you don't understand how much I appreciate this
Noen: it's okay, now sleep

I put my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep

Hope-Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now