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I woke up still on the floor, I got up and looked into the mirror, I was a mess. My eyes were red and puffy. I took a quick shower, I wasn't in the mood to do my morning routine so I only put some make up around my eyes. I wore what I always did, a a shirt covered by a hoodie and decided to wear a pair of leginnings instead of joggers. I grabbed my phone and everything else I would need then went downstairs. I expected to see my mum but I didn't. I checked my phone and saw she had messaged me, I went onto the messaged and it said
Hi darling, sorry I'm not home I had to go on a last minute business trip. Remember to eat and look after yourself, I'll see you soon. Bye honey, I love you x
Great, I thought to myself. Not bothering to eat breakfast I left the house. When I got there,  I hoped I wouldn't bump into Jaden. When I got to my locker I saw a familiar face, my best friend and only friend, Noen.


Ella, I missed you he said as he gave me a hug
Where were you yesterday
That's not important now, are you okay
Yeah, why wouldn't I be
Bitch please, you think cause you put make up on I wouldn't be able to tell you've been crying
It's honestly nothing, I just watched a sad movie
Okay if you say so, remember I'm always here to talk
Yeah I know

The bell rang and me and Noen said goodbye and went separate ways, I had history first again and he had maths. When I got to class I was surprised to see Jaden already there. When I walked in we made eye contact but I quickly broke it. The lesson started and just to my luck, our teacher told us to sit with our project partners and talk about what we still needed to do. Jaden came and sat next to me, none of us said anything as we sat there in a awkward silence for a minute before he broke it

Bold- J
Italics- E

Listen Ella, I know you don't want to talk about it but if you ever need anything I'll always be here for you
Okay, thank you
I just don't get how someone so pretty could do that to themselves
I'm not pretty and I don't want to talk about it Jayden, please
Fine but you are pretty, more then pretty
Whatever you say
I mean it, all the other girls just cake there face with makeup but your just so gergeous without it
If this is one of the ways you get girls in your pants, it's not working
Why do you think I'm a fuckboy
Because you are
I bet I can prove you wrong
Whatever you think
Meet me after school and let me then
Fine but this better not be a prank or something
Don't worry it's not

Hope-Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now