[TW] No, Never

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Bora's hands dropped to her sides as she took deep breaths, not believing the sight she was seeing.
Panic settled in her stomach as reality sunk in, Siyeon's eyes raked in disgust over her filthy appearance.

The two stood there in silence, neither of them even daring to say a single word. Not even a tiny sound.

The wolf couldn't believe her eyes. There stood Bora, covered in filth and rags. She noticed the woman's fragile frame, her arms looking thinner than the last time she had remembered.

There stood her ex-wife, now living in the streets.

"What were you doing?" The taller asked, mouth slightly curving in disgust.

"No- nothing!" Bora lied, hiding her sticky hands behind her back. She made a mental note to herself to wash it with the bucket of rain water she gathered.

Siyeon hastily walked towards the dumpster and took a look at the contents inside it. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as the acrid scent of garbage mixed with leftover food washed over the air.

"Bora what the fuck?" She questioned, coughing the disgust away.

"I'm sorry," Bora apologized, biting her lip.

"How petty are you?" Siyeon hissed in disgust,"What were you even looking for in that dump?"

Bora averted her eyes, unsure of how to respond. It was already bad enough as is that Siyeon saw her in her current state, what more if she found out that she was searching dumpsters for food?

Bora opened her mouth but no words came out. She gripped her rags as she felt herself tremble, Siyeon wasn't taking her eyes off of her.

"Food," She replied with came out in a hoarse whisper,"I was looking for food,"

"Jesus Christ, Bora!" Siyeon shook her head as she ran her hands down her face, not believing what she just heard,"Food in the dumpster?!"

"Where did all your dignity go?" Siyeon asked, face scrunched up,"I didn't expect you to stoop so low,"

"I have to survive, Siyeon," Bora replied, a bit louder this time,"Those are my only sources of food,"

Siyeon had to double check to see if her ears were still fully functional. Was she hearing right? She couldn't accept the fact that her ex-wife was resorting to salvaging leftovers in public dumpsters for survival.

No, she couldn't accept the fact that she once married the now homeless, poor woman.

She felt her pride crush at the sight of the frail woman, she mumbled a faint curse as she closed her eyes once again.

"Siyeon," Bora started,"How are you?"

"Definitely a billion times better than your current situation," Siyeon spat out.

"Are you seeing someone?" Bora asked, a small smile on her face.


"Then you shouldn't be talking to me,"

Siyeon scoffed as she rolled her eyes,"Yeah no shit sherlock I didn't have any plan to talk to you."

Bora stared at her, her small smile not leaving her face as she listened to every word Siyeon was saying.

"I just had to see for myself if it really was the woman I used to marry fucking rummaging in the goddamn dumpster," She continued, voice full of spite towards the other woman.

"And Phil?"

"Phil is having the best life," Siyeon replied,"Don't worry about him,"

Bora smiled at the thought of Phil. It was a few years into their marriage when they came across a baby crying inside an abandoned cardboard box. The two then made a unanimous decision to adopt the baby, and soon named him Phil.

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