"So... how did it go?" She pushed her glasses further up her nose before beginning the drive. The only response she received was a grunt from the raven haired man.

"How detailed!" Nemuri could feel a beat of sweat roll down the side of her temple. These two were going to be the death of her.

Yasu felt a shiver run down her spine at the sight of a black liquid dripping down the windows.

'It's not real.'

She was going to drive herself insane.

She instead chose to focus on the man beside her, the guilt of her precious actions weighing her down along with exhaustion. She debated on how to apologize for needlessly being rude, knowing it was something he did not appreciate.

He felt a pair of eyes burrowing into the back of his head, and his eyes flickered down to meet hers. Aizawa would be lying if he said he hadn't noticed her usually cream-toned skin turn pallid and cold— colder than normal, and her eyes turn from dazzling to gaunt over the past few days. Her physical physique had slowly been waning, and though he knew she had a difficult time caring for herself, it brought an unease to his being knowing that she would probably die young due to her habits. She was always so irrational when it came to herself and he had to push down the simmering rage that he felt at that realization.

The ride seemed longer than it was really meant to be. The forty minutes, including traffic, that the trio spent in the vehicle was exasperated by the deafening silence that surrounded them. Nemuri didn't dare turn on the radio and irritate them further, but even the woman, usually calm, found her lips twitching downward in distaste for a while.

"Finally, you guys are back," Relief washed through Nemuri's voice, thankful that she didn't have to put og with their odd behavior any longer. "Work out whatever's got you panties bunched up before you start drinking because I'm not going to be the one to deal with your messes, got it?" The hero's eyes narrowed behind the metal frames she wore, daring one of them to argue with her.

Yasu just sighed, closing her eyes and concentrating on not toppling over while her male companion waved their friend away.

"We'll be fine. I'm going back to my place tonight anyway, I don't see why it matters." The bitter edge to his words didn't go unnoticed by Nemuri, who accepted that she couldn't fix everything and drove away from the apartment complex.

It was strange, to say the least. Mars greeted both adults at the door, but still no conversation ensued. Aizawa went to pack the things Hizashi had brought over for his return home that night, and Yasu collapsed on the couch, coughing a few times before settling down. She didn't really want to be in the same room as Aizawa, even if it meant a more comfortable nap. At least she would be able to return to her hero work sooner than later. The last thing she could consciously remember was a hand made of black liquid reaching out towards her face.

Aizawa had taken note of the silence and peaked out of the room, sighing as he noticed his friend completely knocked out on the couch. Even if he was still irritated with the way she had acted towards him, he felt it would be wrong if he left her on the couch just because they were having some sort of misunderstanding at the moment.

He put an arm behind Yasu's neck, supporting her back as the other went under her legs. He knew she was probably too tired to wake up but the man still felt obligated to take careful steps and movements as he laid his friend on her bed, tucking her under the covers after a moment of debate.

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