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Jungkook liked to try and describe himself as someone who was honest and true to himself, someone who would never let societal judgements stop him from being himself – but this wasn't exactly true. Deep down, Jungkook aimed to please. All his life, all he had wanted was to be the perfect son, the perfect student, the best friend he could possibly be, and for the most part he was successful in this. His parents rarely had to discipline him – and when they did it was for little mistakes like accidentally closing the door too loud, forgetting to take his shoes off before he went up the stairs, or for maybe spending a little too much time on his phone but otherwise, he was the perfect son. His teachers had nothing but praise for him, always achieving top marks, being creative in his working, and for always being the first to offer help to a new student or someone struggling with a concept. They wished that he would be more confident in himself, speak up a bit more in class but, hey, they can't fault him for being slightly socially awkward – most teenagers are. His friends, however, they had nothing negative to say about the boy. He was always the first go to when someone needed advice, or just a friendly chat on the phone. He was the friend who would stay up to all hours to make sure that they were okay, he knew instantly when something was up – Jimin liked to refer to it as "kookie sense", but you'd never hear Jungkook call it that. From the outside, Jungkook was the perfect being in society... but he had a secret. A secret that he had tried to hide and deny for as long as he could. A secret that only his two closest friends knew. Jungkook was gay.

Now, to the majority of people, this wouldn't be an issue – but in the world that Jungkook had grown up in, homosexuality wasn't exactly a welcomed thing. It's not that it was viewed as bad or dirty or any of the other negative ways that the media has portrayed it as – it was just viewed as something that wasn't quite right. Passing comments were made by the majority of his school about how something was "too girly" or "that's not how a man does something", and Jungkook would just lower his head when his father would agree with muttered comments about the way in which he should be acting... and that's exactly what Jungkook did. It wasn't until he had stumbled across the app where he met Tae that he finally felt comfortable enough and safe enough to be true to who he was, and don't get it wrong, he was happy that by doing this he had met someone as wonderful as Taehyung – but now he wasn't sure how exactly to tell him that his family didn't know and that even though all he wanted to do was hold the elder's hand and introduce him to everyone as his somewhat boyfriend, he couldn't...

The hours had somehow merged into one as Jungkook lay peacefully in Taehyung's arms, his fingers delicately circling on the older boys chest, playfully drawing shapes and images of whatever came to his mind. Not a word had been spoken for close to an hour, the two just enjoying one another's company. Limbs entangled. Taehyung had been running his fingers threw Jungkook's hair, the smell of coconut wafting his face each time he did so – he had never felt so at peace.

The silence was eventually broken by the loud and rather disturbing sound of Jungkook's phone ringing on his desk. It had been completely abandoned, cast to the side, when he was with Taehyung, he just wanted to disconnect from the rest of the world – but the continuous buzzing reminded him that that wasn't exactly possibly. With a begrudged groan, Jungkook pulled himself away from Taehyung and dragged his feat across the room until his finger slid and silenced the irritating sound of his phone.

"Hello?" his voice was groggy, like he had just woken up from a deep slumber causing a small smile to pull at Taehyung's lips, "what do you mean?" a panicked tone instantly filled Jungkook's voice causing the older boy to push himself up onto his forearms, ruffling his hair as he waited patiently for the younger to finish up his conversation. The sound of tires pulling into the driveway alerted both boys to a new arrival at the house, a sound that instantly brought fear to Jungkook, "yeah, no, I know, okay, thanks! I'll call you later!" Jungkook quickly rambled, hanging up the call and skidding towards the window.

Falling in Love with a Stranger [TaeKook/VKook] ~editing~Where stories live. Discover now