~~ 22 ~~

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The "high street", as Jungkook liked to call it, was rather desolate as the two boys walked side by side, taking in the fresh but chilling air of Busan. A childlike wonder dancing across the chocolate eyes of Taehyung, gazing at every passing building – whether it held anything of interest or not. A box smile painting his lips, highlighting the natural beauty of his face in the fluctuating sunlight. The younger of the two, Jungkook, couldn't help but allow his gaze to linger on the newly dyed pink hair of the elder, tracing every strand of hair that led to his beautiful golden complexion, his awe-filled eyes and his glossed over lips. Their hands occasionally brushing against one another's, a not so accidental movement from the younger. A chuckle broke their ever-growing silence, alongside breaking Jungkook out of his trance. A warmth suddenly engulfed his hand as he dropped his head down to catch the culprit of the welcomed heat, a blush instantly gracing his face as he realised it was Taehyung's hand.
"If you wanted to hold my hand, Kookie," the teasing tone was evident in Taehyung's voice as he smirked and looked at the younger, "All you had to do was say." He muttered, a light sarcastic tone present in his words, Jungkook felt the words catch in his throat as he grinned awkwardly at the other boy, tugging gently at his hand to lead him around the corner and onto an even quieter, if that was even possible, street.
"Well, this is cute," Taehyung gasped as Jungkook opened up a small blue gate, leading to a bright white door.
"Like an American movie," he continued as the other struggled to find his keys with only one hand, the elder just laughed at his actions, knowing he was reluctant to let go of his hand.
"Ah, gotcha!" Jungkook exclaimed, brightening the elder's smile – if that was even humanly possible.
"My parents are both at work, so, they shouldn't know that I'm not at school..." he whispered, silently praying that neither of his parents had suddenly taken the day off of work. A relieved sigh pushed passed his lips as he entered the silent house, Taehyung glancing around and smirking slightly as he noticed the pictures of young Jungkook proudly displayed on every mantle that adored the living room. Jungkook placed his right foot at his left heel in an attempt to remove his shoes without having to let go of Taehyung's hand, he huffed as he almost lost balance, an amused Taehyung just watching on.
"Kookie, you know I'm not going anywhere," Taehyung broke the silence as he let go of the younger's hand, causing a pout to instantly take over his face, "take off your shoes and then you can have my hand back." He mocked as the younger playfully stuck out his young but eventually bent down to untie his laces, and it wasn't like Taehyung was exactly going to complain about the view.

Taehyung sighed for about the 113th time causing Jungkook to finally place down his pen and glance over his shoulder at the boy who was lounging on his bed.
"Yes, Tae???" he asked, his eyebrow quirked as the older just shrugged, Jungkook rolled his eyes as he huffed slightly, "I did warn you that I had to do my homework, Tae..." he trailed off causing the elder to nod.
"I understand," he paused causing the younger to quirk an eyebrow in response, "I just don't understand why you have to do it on a Friday," he childishly remarked as Jungkook laughed before placing ruffling his hair and smiling cutely at the other.
"What's on your mind?" he asked, causing the elder to perk up as he shrugged his shoulders and looked at his nails.
"I feel about as useless as a white crayon," Taehyung huffed, crossing his arms whilst Jungkook just rolled his eyes before reaching over to his top desk drawer. A slight smirk danced onto his lips as he turned his head back slightly.
"Well, my love," he paused, a slight chuckle immediately following, "You just need to find yourself someone who prefers black paper." He retorted, a large bundle of black art paper gripped tightly in his hand as he winked, bringing a flush across Taehyung's cheeks.
"Oh, hasn't someone grown rather confident over these past few months," Taehyung retorted, a playful scoff soon following as he rolled his eyes with a grin pulling at the corners of his lips.
"When talking to the infamous Kim Taehyung," Jungkook retaliated, placing the paper down and swivelling around on his chair with a quirked eyebrow, "How could I not?" he questioned, his smirk profoundly marking his face. The elder just reacted with a laugh as he winked and patted the side beside him on the bed.
"Now, my love, come and cuddle with me," he requested, however, his tone made it clear that it was less of a request and more of a demand, "I've waited months to hold you." He finished, as Jungkook blushed but slowly, and nervously, stood to his feet and cautiously walked towards the older boy.
"I'm not going to bite, Kookie," Taehyung laughed as Jungkook carefully sat on the bed, nudging towards the centre were the all too daunting hand of Taehyung lay, "unless you ask me to, of course," the elder whispered as the heat instantly rushed to the youngers cheeks.
"Why did I ever invite a pervert into my home?" he asked, his tone light and playful, as Taehyung softly placed his arm around his shoulders and shuffled so that the younger's head was comfortably resting on his chest and his own fingers were trailing through the glorious locks of the younger. A sense of contentment grew in the air, as neither of the boys broke the silence but just took the moment to enjoy the company of one another and to enjoy the warmth of the person they were slowly, but surely, falling in love with.

Falling in Love with a Stranger [TaeKook/VKook] ~editing~Where stories live. Discover now