[season 1] -the tests-

Start from the beginning

The girl slowly got into a comfortable position, and assumed it to be a fighting stance.

'Maybe this'll work?'

The eel saw the shift in movement and dashed towards her.


'(L/n) (y/n).'  Said an unknown voice.


(Y/n) flinched.  Noises in her head were all over the place, and she felt like a drill was digging into her skull.


'Hurry up and kill it.'  The voice finished.


(Y/n) immediately leaped high into the air, right above the eel's head.  It didn't have time to react or dodge, it stayed still as if it were dead.  As (y/n) was falling from her jump, she kicked her dominant leg up and kicked it back down, smashing the eel's head into the floor. 

Headon's smile faltered.

'So we have a monster in the tower.'

All that was left intact of the eel was it's writhing body.  The head of the eel had splattered into incoherent pieces.

As soon as (y/n) stepped back, she snapped out of it.

'What...what was that?' She asked herself. 

Or rather, she asked the voice in her head.  It didn't respond.

From a distance she could hear someone slowly clapping.  She turned towards the source of the noise.

"Congratulations.  You are fit to go up the tower.  Good luck, regular."  Headon said.

He snapped his fingers, and (y/n) became shrouded in white.


(Y/n) P.O.V


When I woke up again, I was in a yellow field.  This floor was drastically different from the one before, it was almost warm.  Soon enough, an announcement rang from who knows where.

"Mic test!  Mic test!  One two three!!  One!  Two! Hello everyone![...] The first test is simple!  I will explain the rules so listen carefully!" The voice said.

This voice seemed to be coming from an administrator, unlike the voice that was in my head before.  I stood up and looked around, taking in the scenery that would soon become a battleground, most likely.

"The test ends when the number of regulars reaches 200!  Ready, begin!"

Well shit.  I completely ignored everything he said in the middle and now I have no idea what to do.  I looked for clues, but the only thing I could find was a floating black ball next to me with the number 400.  Wait no, it's 399...393?

Oh.  It's a hunger games rip off-I mean a death match.

As soon as I had that figured out, my hand whipped up.  Wierd.  I looked and saw that I caught an arrow.  But from where?  After scanning my surroundings a bit, I saw a man on top of a hill standing with a bow in full view.  Way to be obvious.




For a split second my head went into a spasm again, but it went back to normal just as fast.

I threw the arrow to the guy standing on the hill and got him right in the head.  Even though that was completely out of my will, it still didn't feel like someone was necessarily controlling me...it was more like I was just following orders...?

I stared at my hand in amazement until I felt someone behind me.




Immediately I turned around and kicked him in the face, sending him several yards away from me.  He hit the base of a hill and I heard a splat.

I had no time to think about any moral ethics because immediately after that I was surrounded by people.  It seemed like every time I finished beating someone up, another person came by for more.  The order I was given just became more and more clear in my head.




I was going to bash another person's head in when-

"Stop!  Please!"

I froze in place.

He shivered with his arms in front of his face for a moment, and then proceeded to run away when he saw that I wasn't doing anything.

I looked around at the bodies that surrounded me.  Surely I had the time to bury at least a few right?  I quickly got to work, making sure that each and every body got it's own mini grave.  Normally I wouldn't care for something like this, but I guess it's just different when you kill them yourself.  I looked at my stained hands sadly.

"Mic test!  Everyone stay where you are!  The first test is now over![...] Any regulars fighting from now on will be eliminated!  To the 200 who passed the first test congratulations to you!  It may seem rushed but a short second test will be carried out right away! [...] Among those who remain, make groups of 3-5 to become teammates in 5 minutes!  You must be touching your teammates at the end of those 5 minutes!  Ready, go!"  The administrator said.

Although I buried as many of them as I could, there were probably still some rogue corpses laying around me.  There was that, and I was covered in blood.  I doubted anyone would be willing to team up if they saw me like this.  Though I don't really have any other choice but to try.

"We should hurry and find another teammate."

My head perked up at the noise.

"I want someone strong."  Another voice said.

They both seemed to be walking my way but were abruptly stopped by the amount of corpses strewn in front of them.

"Well shit.  I forgot to bury more than 'just a few.' "


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