"Do you think you could give me the address?"

"What? Are you going there just to buy that item? Though, it is quite expensive for a hair clip but still." The sales clerk was shocked.

"Yes, Cassandra lost hers recently so I have to buy her a new one." I explained.

"Wow, you really love your sister huh!" She was smiling while writing the address of the shop.

"Yes, I guess I do!" I said as she handed over the address with her phone number on the paper. "Call me." She smiled batting her lashes flirtatiously.

As I was on the door I turned back. "Oh, and by the way, she's not my sister." I wink and left.

That night I flew to LA to visit the outlet branch. As I got there the shop was already close since it was late.

So I ask my bodyguard Ralph to find us a hotel nearby to stay for the night.

As we both settled in our rooms, I called my parents immediately and informed them I won't be home until tomorrow. I told them I'm safe since Ralph is with me.

I woke up around four in the morning to my phones ringing. Who is calling me this early?

"Hello?" I answered the phone groggily without looking at the caller ID.

"Where are you?" I could hear a cute bratty voice in the other line.

I smiled hearing her voice. "What do you want brat? It's early in the morning and you're disturbing my sleep."

"I said where are you?" She demanded.

I just chuckled while my eyes are still closed. "I'm in LA."

"Why are you there? Are you with that ugly girlfriend of yours?" Sometimes I think she acts more like my mother than my own. She's always nagging.

"Cassandra, can you please stop nagging me this early. And no I'm not with my, ex-girlfriend. I'm with Ralph." I said with emphasis on the ex part.

"Really? You broke up with her?" I could hear a smile on her voice.

"You seemed happy that I broke up with her. "

"Well, she's ugly!"

"Cassandra, don't say mean things to people. That's not good you know."

"Hey, stop treating me like a child, you're not my mom."

Funny, I just thought of her like my nagging mom.

"Sweetheart, may I remind you that you're still twelve. You can't just say those things."

"Fine, you win!" She exclaimed with a bratty tone. "But what are you doing there anyway?"

"Nothing of importance. Can I just call you back later, Cassandra? I'm really sleepy and it's still four in the morning here. I need more sleep sweetheart."

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