Chapter 3

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It's really fun to annoy Cassandra. She gets irritated quickly and it's cute to see her nose scrunched up when she's annoyed. I usually poke fun of her when I'm bored.

Well, I guess I'm just bored. I was supposed to meet some friends tonight to attend a party. Just enjoy the night with drinks and girls. Yeah, that would be very amazing. And I know Amanda will be there. I've been seeing her for a few days now. I know she would definitely enjoy a night of fun with me. It would have been a very interesting night but instead, I'm stuck in this boring family dinner.

I know they're trying to maintain this tradition for decades. But come on my sister hasn't been attending this dinner for months now so why can't I do the same? Well technically she is in Italy but still, I have my life too.

For sure we'll only talk about business and the stock market. I can't even bring any of my "girl" friends because they might get the wrong idea. Women usually assume that if you bring them to a family dinner you're really to be serious with them or worst they'll think you're going to marry them. Well, I'm not ready for that kind of commitment yet. I'm still 22 and I quite enjoy my bachelorhood. Besides, I'm busy with all those gruesome training in our company. I'll be taking over the company in a few years and I need to be focused.

Speaking of focus, I think there's something different with Cassy tonight and I can't pinpoint what it is. Hmmm...Oh God, hopefully, it's not another prank. I'm still not over from that last prank she did on me. That woman is a psycho. Never be fooled by her sweet and innocent look. The last time I fell for it I got two broken fingers. Huh...I got chills thinking about it. I already feel pity for his future boyfriend if ever she'll have one.

"Uhmm...Hi Alexander. May I speak with you after dinner? Privately please?" There's definitely something wrong. She has that sweet innocent look again.

"Why?" I always make sure my guard is up with this woman.

"Oh, I just have a favor to ask. Let's talk about it after dinner okay?" She's cooking something. Ugh, I can't even say no to her. If I refuse her for sure I'll get an earful from my mother the whole night.

"Let's go Alexander the food is waiting." She links her arm on mine and drags me towards their dining area. While walking I kept on thinking if there's anything I've missed. A while ago she was giving me those dirty looks but now she's all googly eyes. And she's calling me by my first name, not the girly name she likes to taunt me.

I placed her on her chair opposite mine. As I sit down I look up and saw her smiling sweetly at me. I gave her a strange look but she just keeps on smiling. I'm getting uncomfortable and scared of her actions. Somethings definitely going to happen.

Looking at her cautiously, I know something's up with this chit. I just need to know what that something is. Physically she looks kind of different, in a good way actually. Her dress is a little revealing showing too much of her shoulder and chest though I can't see any cleavage. Baby boobs. Hehe...But her legs are actually quite nice to look at. Wait. Hold up. Alexander, this is Cassandra we're talking about there's nothing nice with this woman. And you have to focus, make sure you know what her plan is before this dinner ends.

We just finished our dinner and we're all back in the drawing-room for drinks. Unfortunately, I'm still in the dark with her plan and I'm starting to get worried. I noticed she's been trying to look at me discretely, tried but obviously, it didn't work because I still notice.

Ahah...I can just escape and go home early. Should I tell my parents that I have an important work that I left in the office? My Dad is a workaholic so he would agree immediately.

Love Unexpectedlyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें