just a quick thank you

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So yes I'm the person that wrote this cringefest (quite obviously enough).

I made this fanfic at around June 1, 2017 (so I have progress in writing now XD) (and as I'm typing this, I noticed that the birthday of this fanfic is actually the start of pride month sooooo-).

I just wanted to say (again because I'm too grateful and I love reading the comments) thank you for reading this cringy af fanfic.

-Will I rewrite this or edit it? No I'm too lazy for that.

-Will I make a sequel? Nope (probably already stated that I wouldn't before).

-Am I excited for Ice Adolescence? Heckin. Yes.

-Will I get writer's block? Frick yea.

I hope to make another fanfic soon (although I have an original story in mind, I'm a forgetful procrastinator).

...thisisgettingnowhere XD

pfft okay okay

Love you guys- uwu

(and please forgive my past self for ever starting this fanfic thanks ; - ; )

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