Chapter 13

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~Your POV~

"Hmm? Oh hey Otabek." I waved at him and looked back at my glass.

I was about to pour myself another glass but he suddenly snatched it away.

"What do you think you're doing?" He said with a mad face. I shrugged my shoulders and went to the fridge to get a bottle of whiskey.

"You know that's bad for you." He growled. "Stop drinking."

"Oh come on! I only had a few. I'm still sober. Have you forgotten? I can control my alcohol Ota." I said, pouring myself a glass. I took another glass and gave it to him. "Drink with me?"

He sighed but took it anyways. "You know I can't say no". He took the whiskey and my glass. I looked at him confusedly but then he started to get some equipment for making drinks. Oh yeah, he was a bartender. "Can you make 151 ways to die?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Oh... You- okay fine, never mind". He started to make the drink. He knew that I would order that whenever I felt suicidal. Before, he was just my bartender. Then we became friends. Then we parted ways.

It was silent until he finished making it. He poured a glass for me and another for him.

"So, why are you feeling down?" He sipped a bit of his drink, looking at me. "Is it because of someone?"

I sipped mine. "Should I be honest?"

He nodded.

I sighed. "I'm starting to question Yuri's sexuality". He choked a bit and coughed. "Starting to think he's gay?"

I nodded at what he said. He pat my back.  "I gotta tell you something". I looked at him, while sipping my glass.

He took a deep breath. "I'm gay."

"Argh sheesh. Eww." He groaned, looking at me. I actually spat on him. Whoops...

But then he started to laugh. "I'm gonna go change first. Then I'll make you another glass. Okay?". I gave him a thumbs up and he left the room.

"Stupid Ota. Now I'm sure that Yuri's gonna leave me. Quite soon too." I mumble to myself. "And I'm guessing Yuri's bisexual..."

Wait, why am I...

I quickly slapped myself several times.

Stop it Y/N. Argh, don't give up now. Stay determined...

Don't lose hope so easily now...

I mean, Viktor's gay, Yuuri's as straight as a rainbow, Otabek's as straight as a bendable ruler maybe. And Yuri might be a half rainbow half titanium ruler. MilaNiverse and Crispino Gurlll are gay as well. Gay for each other that is.

What if...


I mean, I would support. But that would be giving Otabek a chance to steal him.

I can show him how to be strong in the real way. I want to be his forever. And I want to PROVE IT to Ota.

How do I do that though? Hmm


I looked around the area. 30 minutes has passed.

"Where's Otabek..?"

I quickly shuffled out of my seat and looked around for him. I lastly checked outside the house, at the sidewalk. I looked closely and saw two figures, close to each other. One of them has hair up to their shoulders I think. The other...

Oh shit.

I quickly ran up to them and hit the taller one in the head.

"Ow! Hey watch it!" The man yelled. I looked at him and saw that it wasn't Ota.

"Uhh. Color me stoked! Sorry!" I quickly ran away from the two.

I took some cola from a nearby vending machine and went in the house.

"Okay, so he isn't outside, or in the bathroom or anywhere really. Where could he-"


I dropped the cola by accident.


My eyes widened as I watched the two in shock.

I guess my question has been solved.

"So, um, Y/N. I-I, um..." Yuri started.

"HE'S BI!" Otabek shouted.

"I WAS SUPPOSED TO TELL HER! NOT YOU!" Yuri yelled back at him.

"BUT YOU NEED TO OPEN IT UP TO HER!" Otabek continued to argue about it, turning the tables a bit.


The two kept arguing while I watched them. I crossed my arms and took a deep breath for some confidence.

"I knew this was going to happen." I said with a blank stare.

"What..?" The two looked at me in shock. I nodded and looked at the two.

"If you wanted to open up to me,you could've just said so. No biggie. Ota, a glass please." I said, moving closer to the counter behind them, close enough to sit down properly. But not too relaxed to the point where I lose my aura of authority. Otabek passed me a glass and I sipped it.

"So. Yuri's bi. Otabek's gay. I'm straight. Perfect couple. Leaving me single and alright with the current situation. Otabek kissed Yuri even though Yuri and I were together. And now it leads to... this." I explained, looking straight at them. "What now?"

They both looked at me in confusion, then nervously looked at each other.

"I'm not going to cry and run away like some cliché girl in some anime or fan fiction uwu." I said, finishing my glass. "So tell me, what now?"

"I know, Yuri and I could break up. And you two could live happily ever after. I could leave this place or watch you two and act supportive, even though I really support both of your sexualities. Not really acting tibia honest. Yeah, it ain't that humerus." I explained.

They looked at each other with wary gazes.

"It's decided then." I stood up and moved closer to Yuri, turning my glass upside down.

"Yuri, let's break up."

Hot and Cold (Yuri Plisetsky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now