Chapter 1

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~Your POV~

"Our Last contestant for tonight is Y/N L/N who performed a beautiful program witht the theme Courage. Her score is 235.34. She is now in first place. And she is also the winner for this year's Grand Prix Finals"

I won?!


Hi! I'm Y/N L/N. I'm a gold medallist for the ladies figure skating competitions. Started ice skating when I was 4 years old. I wanted to skate since I saw other people do it and I wanted to try it too. I also got ballet lessons at the age of 5. And I started figure skating when I reached the age of 10. I only joined small competitions at first. And this year, I won gold, again. But I'm not here to brag since I'm not a brag-a-lot. I was inspired by the one and only Victor Nikiforov.


I can't believe I won...

I thought I was gonna lose. But no...

I really won...

My coach's coming...

"Hey Y/N. Congratulations on your victory. Are you up for next season?"


That was my coach, Rose Victory. She's my ballet instructor and my coach. That means she can skate too.


"Of Course! I'd love to participate for next season!"

"Great! Cause I have to tell you something"

"What is it? That smile tells me that it's something that I don't wanna hear"

"Y/N. For next season, you will be partnered with..."

"With who?"

I don't like where this is going...

"With Yuri-"

"Yuri Katsuki?!"

"No. The other one!"


Me?! And yuri?! Partners?! For next season?!

"Yes. Yuri Plisetsky is your partner for next season...unless he doesn't want to"

"Excuse me. Did I just hear my name?"


That's was Yuri Plisetsky. Same as me. Gold medallist. Started skating at 4, learned ballet at 5 and started figure skating at 10. Small competitions as a kid until he joined the free skate programs to get to the Grand Prix Finals. Cat lover and competitive.


"I'm sorry, you must've heard wrong, Plisetsky"

"Oh believe me, I heard right, L/N"

"Grr... the nerve"


"Yuri. Y/N here will be your skating partner for next season"

"What?! Is what your saying true Rose?! This old hag?! My partner?!"

"I'm a witch. Not a hag"

"Whatever you hag. But is this a challenge?"

"Bring it. If this is a challenge, then I accept!"

"Yeah! If this is my challenge to prove that I'm better than others then bring it!"

Did i just agree? Oh no! What have I gotten myself into?! I'm doomed! But I want the world to know that I'm better than other skaters. That skating's in my blood. That I put my effort in skating. That I skate with my blood, sweat and tears. That it's my life. And it forever will be.


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