Mavis gets up to stand where Vera previously stood in the windowpane. Undeniably, they saw the most burly of men and on the opposite end of the fields, there were women. She noted some of the men were hunched over in a crouching position allowing  the shift to take control of their hosts, this she questioned but shrugged at. The other group of men were in the middle of combat. Seriously doing damage onto one another.

The ladies were all fighting but not as harsh as the men.

"Hey I know someone that could help us!" Mavis's lips curl into a greedy smile.

"But first lets go over a few things so there won't be any mishaps."

Vera is listening intently to Mavis but her main focus was steady on the pack warriors and their domineering fighting technics.

How most of the men made no mistake and fought like they truly meant to kill each other but didn't. Currently there was one male who had fully shifted, with his sparring partner's neck between his teeth.

"The trip from the castle to the school was maybe about five hours I suppose. All we have to do is leave around twelve and be off the forest line into different territory before night fall." Mavis mutters more to herself as Vera looked consumed by the art of warfare.

"Vera I think I know someone that could help us." Mavis jolts Vera's arm a little with this grasping her attention.

Oh I'm sorry, what? What did you say?" Mavis rolls her eyes facepalming herself a little.

" I said." Bitterly disappointed having to repeat herself, "I think I know someone that could help us. Of course their working now in the kitchen but in the meantime, we need to be discussing a plan."

Vera still wasn't so sure of herself.

What if things were to go drastically wrong? Alexander would be so angry with her not only because she attempted an escape but gone to desperate lengths which held potential threats in harms way. Regardless of how sketchy the plan was, Mavis would have to be out of her mind to think they would get away.

As easily as the prince infiltrated her mind, her line of vision was replaced with his wine-colored irises and how they stared blamelessly into Vera's soul, seamlessly caressing her heartstrings.

It was sad, how her very being yearns by day and aches for him at night. Lost for words, Vera soaks into the pools of red which divinely fueled her hopes of being in some possible union with him. For now, her love would just have to suffice being unrequited.

The contours of Mavis's face scrunches upward as she became more disgusted at the sight of her lovesick friend, "Mate or not. He's not worth it."

Vera fell backward into the bed as her cheeks became warm. Alexander roamed freely inside of her head. Every intrusive thought, every desire all fabricated with lectures of her lover.

"I don't know Mavis. Alexander will lose his mind if I'm gone. You seen the way it looked like he wanted to bite your face off not even a full day ago because you were touching me?" She sighs aloud truly saturated in an emotional mess.

"What if he does something to you?" Vera rambles on and on with possibilities but Mavis still wasn't convinced. In her opinion, Vera was meek. Soft-hearted and a kindred person but... weak.

"Okay Vera tell me this, what exactly happened between you and your mate." Mavis climbs back on her bed with a slump. She held a confidence that Vera could not reflect, so Mavis got curious.

Vera sits on the foot of the bed trying to collect the words and how to say them.

"Why, Maves he's not at all of what I dreamed of. Seriously a nightmare. I mean at first I thought behind that possessive nature he genuinely cared and loved me at first but then he... said some things." Vera wouldn't go into full details - not only out of shame but humility.

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