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Climbing up the rocky cliffs, what remained of the group followed the little terrier. It was a bit of a struggle ascending the terrain, many found it difficult to find their footing or even to stay balanced along the smooth stones. But they knew one wrong move, just one, could send them plummeting to their doom in a second.

Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash flew up in the air, so they didn't do much climbing. Nevertheless, they helped their friends make the dangerous climb up the mountain. Lion climbed behind Rarity and Applejack, with Tin Man holding onto his tail for balance and Scarecrow following close behind. At one-point, Tin Man accidentally stepped on an uneven rock, which tumbled down the mountain. Tin Man slipped and struggled to regain his balance.

"Hold on, Tin Man!" Twilight shouts.

Quickly, she flew toward her tin friend and used her magic to help him regain himself. This way Tin Man could step onto a more secure rock. Tin Man turns toward Twilight and nods as a way of showing gratitude, as Twilight nods back and flew ahead.

Meanwhile, Rarity and Applejack continue climbing. Rarity also steps on an uneven rock, but instead of falling down the mountain she face-plants into a small puddle of mud, which accumulated in a small pool in the rocks. Seeing this, Rainbow Dash and Applejack burst out laughing, as the fashionista pulled her head out of the muck. Her face and mane were completely covered in mud, her eyes twitching from shock.

"Looks like you finally got that mud bath you wanted, Rarity," Rainbow laughed.

"Eeyup!" Applejack chuckled. "Now all ya'll need is a few cucumbers over them eyes and you're good tah go!"

Rarity slowly turned, sending a heated glare at the two ponies, her eyes full of fire and fury. The two giggling ponies dropped silent and turned away, Rainbow Dash whistling. Rarity turns to her soiled mane and cringed.

"Dear me," She said. "I hope my mane holds out!"

"I hope my nerves hold out!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"I – I – I – I hope my strength holds out," Lion said.

"I hope your tail holds out!" Tin Man said.

Twilight Sparkle had just flown back toward her friends before she noticed Toto stopped along the top.

"Come on, every pony!" Twilight called out, confidently. "Not much farther now!"

The others follow her and Toto up the mountain, until they eventually reached the top. Once there, they took a good hard look toward the Witch's castle sitting just over the river. Lion came from behind the ponies, beckoning Tom and Scarecrow to join. Lion shook as he points his paw toward the castle.

"What's that?!" He asked, nervously. "What's that?!"

"What do you think it is?" Rainbow responds.

"Well, if that's what I think it is, it must be our doom!"

"That's the castle of the Wicked Witch," Twilight observed.

"Dorothy and Spike are in that awful place!" Scarecrow exclaimed.

Tears streamed down the Tin Man's metallic face, as he started to cry.

"Oh, I hate to think of her in there," He cried. "We've got to get them out!"

"We will, Tin Man," Rainbow Dash said. "I promise you that!"

Feeling sympathetic, Fluttershy flew toward Tin Man, placing her soft hoof along his tin back and gave a light pat.

"It will be alright, Tin Man," Fluttershy assured, softly.

"Oh, I sure hope you're right," Tin Man continued crying.

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