Emerald City

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(Start at 0:48, stop at 0:58)

Pinkie Pie (Sings):
We're out of the woods
We're out of the dark
We're out of the night!
Step into the sun
Step into the Light
March up to that gate and bid it open...

"Open!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Pinkie belts out, in a high voice.

"Pinkie!" Twilight shouts.

Pinkie pauses during that long note and cheerfully turns toward Twilight Sparkle.

"Yes, Twilight?" Pinkie asks, fluttering her eyes.

"We're already here," Twilight points ahead.

Sure enough, in between the merry tune and cheerful stroll, the entire group stands upon the gates leading to Emerald City.

"Huh, that was fast," Pinkie replied.

The other ponies and Spike just shook their heads, but they were pleased nonetheless. After everything they've been through, their final destination laid just inches away and soon the time to meet the man who can help them will soon come to pass. Of course, there was still the Wicked Witch to deal with and the fact the Elements of Harmony are in her clutches... But they agreed to cross that bridge when it comes to it. But for now, they're just happy to arrive at Emerald City.

And there they stood, the end of the Yellow Brick Road, right at the big emerald door leading into the city itself.

"Well, that's certainly one heck of a gate," Applejack points out.

"It simply must be one amazing city, darling," Rarity added. "No wonder they'd need a gate this big to keep it all in."

"So, how do we get in?" Twilight asked.

"Simple really," Pinkie answered. "Check this out!"

Suddenly, they heard a 'RING-RING!' as every pony turned toward their pink party pony friend, swinging from a rope just by the giant door. Doing so made a ringing sound from the bell just hanging above the gate. After two rings, a man with a bushy handlebar mustache and weird hairdo opens a circular portion of the door. He wore an emerald green goat, with large buttons and a high-green collar.

"Who rang that bell?!" He yelled.

"That would be me, Mister Mustache sir!" Pinkie answered, waving while holding the rope.

"Pinkie, don't be rude," Rarity scolds.

"I'm terribly sorry about our friend, sir," Twilight apologized. "She's just really excited to finally be here."

"Well, can't you read?" He asked.

"Read what?" Scarecrow asked.

"The notice!"

"What notice?" The group asked.

"It's on the door, plain as the nose on my face!"

The man points toward the door, but saw nothing was there while every pony looked rightfully confused.

"It – Oh –"

Quickly, the little man peeks back inside and returns carrying a board with words on it. He slaps it into place along the nail against the door, slamming his little window shut.

"'Bell out of order, please knock'," The group read.

Dorothy grabs the nearby door-knocker, giving it a good hard knock. The doorman opens his window once more and stuck his ehad out.

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