The Cowardly Lion

Start from the beginning

"Why did you never tell us in the first place?!" Rainbow asked, accusingly.

"Believe me, I wanted to tell you guys so badly," Twilight said, shamefully. "I've been testing the Elements to determine if the magic is truly intact; apart from turning into the tiara and necklaces, they weren't doing anything. I didn't know 'how' I was going to tell you without getting your hopes up. For a while, I've kept them hidden in the library until I could determine the right time to explain. But then Zecora's errand came up, so I figured I'd hide them in the book in my saddlebag to perhaps ask her for advice on what to do. Then that television appeared, we end up in one place then another, and... And... Well, you know the rest."

"So what you're sayin' is... You've been lyin' to us for weeks?" Applejack asked, disappointed. "Months? A year?"

Twilight merely nods, unable to say anything.

"Well... That's just great!" Rainbow shouts, frustrated. "I think I speak for every pony else when I say... That was the STUPIDEST thing you've ever done!"

"I know..." Twilight said, regretfully.

"We're barely here for a day and now the Elements are in the clutches of a dangerous witch, one we know nothing about, and we can't even go back home until we get them back!"

"Rainbow does have a point," Spike admits. "It wasn't a very smart move to bring them here."

"And all this would be avoided if you told us the truth," Rarity added.

"Not like this is the first time you've done this," Pinkie points out. "You should know by now we'd understand!"

"It is what friends are for," Fluttershy whispered. "We always hoped you'd remember that."

"You're right... You're absolutely right," Twilight nods. "I'm really sorry, but I'm more than just sorry. I promise you, from now on, no more secrets. I will tell you absolutely 'everything'... I swear."

Twilight Sparkle opens her arms, but every pony was a bit hesitant at first. Not even Spike was sure he should approach, without rubbing his friends the wrong way. But the tempting offer was too much for a certain party pony.

"Ooh... I just can't stay mad at you!" Pinkie cried.

Pinkie bounced over, hugging Twilight so tight her eyes nearly pop out. But nevertheless she was relieved as eventually every pony else joined. Even though what Twilight had done was rather foolish and against her better judgment, she's not just a 'flawed' friend... She is 'their' flawed friend.

"Alright, I suppose I'll take you at your word," Rarity said. "But, when we get the Elements of Harmony back, then I'll properly forgive you."

"We will get them back," Twilight assures. "Our friendship is strong. No witch, wizard or any other magic will say otherwise."

"What about Dorothy?" Applejack asked, looking ahead. "Does 'she' know about this?"

"No, not just yet," Twilight shook her head. "Like I said, I'm not sure if it's the best time. I'm the one who lost the Elements, not 'her'.

"Twilight... Dorothy Gale is goin' to that Wizard, assumin' he'll get her home. What'll she say if she learns 'we' can't leave until we get our elements back? We promised we'd stick by her to get to Emerald City; don't you reckon she'd do the same fur us?"

"When we get to Emerald City, I'll tell her the truth," Twilight assures.

"And you promise you're not hiding anything else?" Applejack asked.

"You have my word!" Twilight nods. "I promise."

"Do you 'Pinkie Promise'?" Pinkie leans in.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Twilight spoke.

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