Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 100

Start from the beginning

Lord Geoffrey said, "The fact that Yuki's necklace ended up in your world and for you specifically to find, Alfie, means that someone wants you here."

Felix said, "And I have no doubt who that is."

Caleb nodded. "Philip."

I cocked my head to one side. "Philip? As in Prince Philip? But why? I have nothing to do with him. Then again, he asked me where my pure qi had gone when he caught me back then."

I noticed the lords were looking at one another. Of course, I suspected that they knew something I didn't.

I asked, "Please tell me, my lords. What's going on?"

Lord Noah said, "Listen to me, Alfie. I have no idea how he could have figured out that you, from another world, had such powerful pure qi, but the fact is that he wants it, though we have no idea what for, as pure qi can be used for any number of things."

Aaron said, "Philip isn't the power-hungry type. We know that for sure, so it's not to gain more power. He's just a bit mad since Yuki died two thousand years ago."

Lord Geoffrey said, "No matter what it is that he wants, we'll need to investigate." He turned to me. "We need to get some things clear, Alfie."

"What's that, my lord?" I asked.

Lord Victor said, "There's no doubt that many with dark qi will come hunting for you, even disaster beasts."

"That night last week when we accidentally lifted the magic illusion spell," Aaron said, "your qi was released, and it pierced the sky for all in Aurora to see."

Felix said, "It's an advertisement. You displayed yourself to everyone when your qi pierced the sky. Obviously, there'd be responses."

Caleb said, "In the form of hunting you down."

Of course, I knew that those with dark qi would react to my pure one. But did that mean they had gone berserk, too, like the lords?

I asked, "They're hunting for me because of my pure qi, which has the ability to do some awesome things. I understand that, but is it also because of pure qi that they will go berserk, too?"

At this, the lords looked at each other.

Lord Noah explained. "That's not how it is, Alfie."

"Then how is it?" I asked. "Felix, Caleb, Aaron, and Lord Ethan reacted to my qi and went quite berserk."

Lord Victor said, "They're not the only ones reacting to your qi, Alfie. Geoffrey, Noah, and I did as well. It's just that we're better at controlling ourselves. Those lousy guys... How should I put it? Have less self-restraint than we more mature ones." He chuckled and winked at me.

Lord Ethan said, "Mature my ass."

Did that mean all seven lords had reacted to my qi, but it was just that some were better at controlling themselves from going berserk than the others? How interesting.

I asked, "Do all creatures with dark qi react to those with pure qi if they are close?"

Lord Noah said, "No."

I frowned. "But you all reacted to mine?"

Lord Victor continued. "Not all those with dark qi react to those with pure qi. The phenomenon is mysterious, to say the least. It's an attraction of sorts."

Aria said, "Something like that is hard to explain, Alfie. Like Lord Victor said, it's an attraction."

Lord Ethan said, as bluntly as usual, "We react to your qi, Alfie, because we're attracted to you and we want you."

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