Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 72

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Alone, I loitered around the hallway, wondering where the manager of the establishment had taken Lord Geoffrey to. I must have looked suspicious, because a maid with rabbit ears approached me cautiously and asked, "Excuse me, but who are you, and what are you doing here?"

I said, "I'm looking for Lord Geoffrey."

Her demeanor changed immediately from that of suspicion to relief. She even gave me a bright smile. She was cute, especially with that pair of fluffy rabbit ears sticking out of her head.

She said, "You must be Lord Geoffrey's boy."

I cocked my head to one side. Lord Geoffrey's boy?

She must have noticed my confusion, because she said, "You're with Lord Geoffrey, no? He had instructed me to look for you."

So that was what she meant.

I quickly nodded my head. "Yes, I'm with Lord Geoffrey. Can you please take me to him?"

The rabbit-eared girl giggled, and two bright pink blush spots appeared on her cheeks. She said, more to herself, "Well, he does like cute things. And he does like to bully them. It can't be helped that you're chosen. And to bring you, a boy, here, of all places and leave you to wander around, lost in the establishment."


I said, "I really don't understand what you mean, but can you please take me to Lord Geoffrey? It's important."

"Lord Geoffrey is with the manager right now. They're discussing important business, so it's best you wait in the foyer."

A few moments later, the maid took me out to the foyer, where I sat and waited. Of course, I wasn't the most patient of persons, and I started pacing. When some thirty minutes passed and there was still no sign of Lord Geoffrey's return, I decided to tap into the WIFI communication network and see if I could connect with the man. I knew that it was likely impossible for me to tap into Lord's Geoffrey's qi, since I barely knew him or his qi, but I wasn't going to give up before I gave it a try.

In my mind, I thought wouldn't it be great if this WIFI system allowed me to leave a message—either in the form of a voice mail or written words—instead of having to literally talk on the spot. After all, I didn't want to interrupt Lord Geoffrey while he was having a meeting with the manager of the establishment. The maid had said it was about business, which would be important.

Sitting there in the waiting area, I closed my eyes and concentrated on finding Lord Geoffrey's qi amongst the many other colorful ones. Suddenly, there it was, a strong line—pure black in color—pulsating close by. Strangely enough, I could easily connect with it. Once I did, I asked, "Lord Geoffrey?"

I heard a pleasant chuckle, which was followed by, "My, Alfie, you've finally decided to connect with me. How wonderful. Did it take you long to find my qi?"

I felt heat rushing to my face. Ignoring his question, I asked him one of my own. "Where are you, my lord? I've been waiting for ages. Brenna has taken her sister to the hospital, and Aria and Leona have gone with them. I'm supposed to report what has happened to you, sir. And now that I have, I'm going to leave. After all, you do have business to discuss with the manager of this establishment, and I certainly don't want to inconvenience you."

"My, don't you sound a little sour, Alfie?" came Lord Geoffrey's reply. I could sense the teasing in the tone.

I said, "I do not sound sour, my lord. Now, I'm going to terminate the call."

"Feisty." He chuckled. "I won't be long, love. I'll see you soon," he said. A moment later, I felt our qi disconnect, and then I stood and headed out the door. My obligation here was done, after all.

Outside, I pulled the tip of my cap lower to cover my face. God, I was acting rather suspicious, wasn't I? It was as if I were trying to hide my identity after I'd done something shameful at a brothel.

No, I hadn't done anything that awful, so I shouldn't act as though I had.

Straightening my shoulders and lifting my head, I walked westward in the direction of the palace. Of course, I knew that it'd take at least an hour on foot to get back, but I liked long walks anyway, so that didn't bother me. What bothered me was that I wasn't great with directions, especially in a new environment like this. But of course, that would be no problem either. I'd just have to ask the kind citizens of Acaedien along the way, and if I was desperate, I'd contact Aria.

I was halfway down the street when I felt a strong presence beside me. I raised my gaze and saw, to my pleasant surprise, Lord Geoffrey there.

With a smirk about his lips, he said, "How unkind of you to leave me stranded, Alfie. I believe I should punish you, teach you a lesson. You have been a naughty child."

I blushed. Firstly, because his words made me feel guilty, and secondly, because his words made me feel strange inside.

I feel... excited?

Wasn't it weird of me to feel that way? Lord Geoffrey implied that he wanted to punish me because I had left him stranded, which of course I hadn't. It wasn't like he didn't know his own way back to the palace, after all.

I licked my lips and then said, "But you had business with the manager of that establishment, my lord. I didn't want to disturb you, and I also didn't want to wait, since I had no idea how long you'd be."

"That is true," he said.

Then, because I was curious, I asked, "If you were to punish me, my lord, how would you do that? My own father has never done something like that to me before, disciplining me I mean." I chuckled. "Then again, I'm sure I'm a good child, never causing my parents any worries or heartaches."

Well, not until now, when I had suddenly disappeared into thin air without a trace. Once again, my heart ached at the thought of how worried sick my parents must be.

Lord Geoffrey chuckled as he eyed me wickedly. "Ah, I see you've been well loved by your parents, Alfie." He cocked his head to one side. "But of course, that only makes me want to..."

He left the sentence unfinished.

Want to what? I wanted to know.

"I'd spank you, of course," he said, turning his head slightly to eye my backside.

My cheeks started burning hot, and I stammered, "How rude, my lord. If you were to ever spank me, I'd spank you back. Not that you'd feel anything from me, though, since I'm not strong physically like you."

He smiled. "Oh, I'd feel something from you all right, love."

How? When I was so minute in terms of strength when compared to him.

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