Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 79

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By the time the three lords, Geoffrey, Felix, and Caleb, returned to the dining hall, dinner was over and the girls, along with Alfie, had left.

Ethan asked, "So have you three come to a conclusion yet? Who gets to claim and brand that pretty elf first?"

Victor said, "Is that all you think about, Ethan? You're still sexually frustrated, aren't you?" He laughed with amusement.

"Of course," Ethan said. "And I will admit that if you three... No." He turned to Lord Noah, Victor, and then Aaron, eyeing them intensely in turn, and then returned his attention to Lord Geoffrey, Felix, and Caleb again. "Six. If you six haven't already gotten yourself lined up for a taste of Alfie, I'd claim my spot first. Now it looks like I'm the last."

Lord Geoffrey said sternly, "No one is claiming and branding Alfie as their mate."

Victor said, an amused smile playing across his face, "Father Geoffrey is being protective of his beloved adopted child, I see?"

Felix said, "Geoffrey is right. Alfie's qi is weak. To mate the boy... He wouldn't be able to handle the likes of us beasts with dark qi. It'd endanger his life."

Caleb nodded in agreement with that.

Noah said, "Talking about Alfie, don't you think he looks fetching with that long hair?"

Caleb turned to stare darkly at Noah. He said, "You did it on purpose, didn't you? Giving Alfie that hair potion?"

Noah nodded. "Well, it has been such a long time since anyone who takes my interest appeared, and I simply couldn't help myself. I must say, though, I'm more astounded than I'd like to admit. I didn't expect Alfie to look so... enchanting with the changes."

All the lords agreed with that, Caleb especially, who had been overwhelmingly amazed at the sight of Alfie with such long, silky black hair that he had forgotten to breathe or even blink for a few moments.

As for Felix, he had been more than astonished at the sight. Of course, he hadn't been able to help himself and had touched Alfie's hair to make sure that he hadn't been dreaming. When he had felt the soft, silky strands against his skin, he had felt as though the wind were knocked out of him, and he simply wanted to grab Alfie into his arms and kiss the life out of the boy. But of course, he had held himself back, and that was when his dark qi, along with Caleb's, started reacting, which proceeded to bring out the dark, intense atmosphere. It had been so powerful—their overly excited, lustful qi—that Geoffrey had no choice but to call them both out to ease the electrifying sexual energy floating about the room.

Victor said, "By the way, I've read Alfie's soul."

That brought all the lords' attention to him.

Noah asked, "When did you do that?"

Victor folded his arms across his chest. "When I was chatting with him during dinner." He grinned devilishly. "I couldn't read shit out of the boy."

Aaron said, "That means Alfie does have some sort of illusion protection on him."

Noah nodded as he said, "Then it's confirmed. It has been a few days since Alfie consumed the golden pill, and from our point of view, there's no physical change whatsoever in the boy's appearance. Combine that with Victor's soul raider skill, which couldn't penetrate through to identify what exactly Alfie is, and we can safely confirm that Alfie does have a high-tier magic illusion protection on."

Aaron shut his eyes and shook his head as he said, "Ugh! I can't imagine Alfie changing in physical appearance. I just can't imagine him going all bulky and manly. I just can't. I love Alfie the way he is right now."

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