Chapter 1

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Hello there lovelies!  This is another story I had on and finally got around to putting it on here.  As with all of my other stories, it will be updated whenever I have the time/motivation.  You can help with that *wink wink nudge nudge*

Chapter 1

Jonah POV:

            ‘No. No no no no. No. This has to be a prank.  No one would try to go after Amy or Dan, let alone when they were together- they’re almost as awesome as me.  The hunt is over, who would be after us now?... But the look in Amy’s beauti-eyes, yes eyes that’s it…no one could fake the naked fear in them.  If Amy and Dan are in trouble it’s up to the Gangsta to help them, I owe them that much- and more.  But then again- it doesn’t hurt to have backup…’  I reach towards the button that will connect the video call.

Third Person POV:

            The screen lit up and showed a frowning Sinead with a smudge of oil on her cheek.  The screen divided into two and Hamilton’s bulk filled the other half the screen.  He was followed quickly by a scowling Ian.

            “What is it now Jonah?  If it’s another one of those ridiculous things with slurred words put to a two year old on drums that you call a song winning some award- I don’t want to hear it.”

            “Ian be nice, I’m sure there is some reason he called us.” Sinead glares at the screen on her side- which everyone assumes is where Jonah’s face is.  “Otherwise I might just have to test the bomb I was working on.”  She smiles, looking frighteningly like the Cheshire Cat.  It was just dawning on Jonah just how much trouble Amy and Dan could really be in.  His face slowly drained of color and he started shaking.  Only Hamilton notices Jonah’s worried expression and panicked look.

            “Hey Jonah, my man, something up?”  Jonah’s only response is a slight nod of the head.

            “Are you alright?” Sinead was sitting forward and looking intently at the screen.  A shake of the head this time.

            “Well then what’s the matter?” Ian asks impatiently.  Jonah opens his mouth slightly but closes it again before speaking in a shaky voice.

            “Amy and Dan are in trouble.”

            “Sinead, are you sure they aren’t there?” Ian asked over the four-way call.

            “Yes I’m quite sure that I would notice if the people I lived with suddenly came back from what they told me was a simple little trip to a bank.”  Sinead said testily- but they all knew it was to hide her worry.

            “Guys, now isn’t the time to argue.  Status report.”  Jonah had unofficially taken over as leader, he was- after all the one who had gotten the call.  Even though Cahills never agree on anything- after they watched the video everyone was trying to help.

            “On the plane now cuz, we’ll be there in an hour.”  Hamilton answered.


            “Me, Madison, and Reagan.”

            “Great.  Ian?”

“We’re currently on a flight also; we should arrive in about two hours.” Ian said.

            “Natalie?” Jonah asked wearily.


            “This just gets better and better…” There was some mumbling on Ian’s end that sounded suspiciously like ‘slow and painful death’. “Sinead?”  Jonah continued.

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