Chapter 8

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Hope you enjoy this christmas present!  I'm going to rant for the next paragragh so...SPOILER ALERT FOR TRUST NO ONE:

Okay so if you're reading this, you've read Trust No One. It's rant time so buckle up. I'm feeling a list coming on; Good Things: Amy's my fave character but I have to admit I loved the angst about her this story, it was fast paced, everyone realized Ian was innocent. Bad Things: SINEAD! Don't even get me started on that piece of crap grrrr, Dan taking the serum WTF? I'm sure he messed it up (or my theory Alistair gave a wrong ingredient so now no one knows the true formula), Isabel Kabra and the way she was so casually introduced as V2, and there is a ton more but I feel sorry for anyone still reading this...

SPIOLER ALERT OVER: I enjoy reviews as presents!

Chapter 8

Amy POV:

Voices.  The suffocating darkness turns slightly gray on the edges.  Something moves close to me.  I feel a dull aching in my arm and side.  More voices.  I strain to hear what they are saying.  I can faintly make out my name before everything goes black once more.

Third Person POV:

            Sinead carefully made a mark on Dan’s letter and blew a lock of hair out of her eyes, taking the time to observe everyone.  Fiske had left after reading the letters, one-by-one, out loud.  Dan had hollowly given up his letter and was sitting in the corner staring out the window.  Reagan and Madison had gone to Amy’s room to see if there was anything important Fiske had missed.  Natalie and Hamilton had surprised everyone by going together to try to get some information out of the agents who were patrolling.  Jonah was on the phone with his dad, trying to get word around to his sources around the world- hoping someone had spotted Amy.  Ian was sitting at the worktable across from Sinead, slowly reading and rereading his pile of letters. 

            “Anything?”  Sinead’s voice was rough and dead.  Ian looked up blearily and rubbed the back of his neck.

            “Small things; a word here, a phrase there.  It just doesn’t add up to anything.  Like this, at the end of Fiske’s letter she signs it ‘With Faith and Love’ and right before that it seemed like she was angry with him.  It doesn’t make sense, is that how she usually signs letters?”  Sinead silently shook her head.  Dan, still looking out the window, mumbled something.

            “What was that Dan?”  He sighed and giving one last longing glance out the window, walked slowly over to the table. 

            “You were talking about this,” Dan pointed to the valediction, “Grace used to read us a verse out of the bible on Sundays when we’d visit her.  That was one of her favorites, it’s missing some though.  The one that she read said ‘and now abides faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.’ it was in Corinthians.  Amy thought it was cool that Mom’s name was in a book like that.  I thought it was cooler that there was a character and a TV show named after Dad.”  Sinead whipped her head towards Ian.

            “Is it possible?”

            “It fits, are we sure though?”


            “Call all agents to the nearest base.  Only critical operations stay active.”

            “Erasmus and McIntyre?”

            “Here.  We’ll need all of the help we can get.  But for now I’m going to go see what I can find.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2012 ⏰

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