Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Third Person POV:

There was a mad dash to get to the infirmary. This only lasted about thirty seconds, as no one knew their way around the mansion. So naturally Fiske, Dan, and Sinead were the first to reach the infirmary with the others not too far behind them. Dan and Sinead hit the door running and in their haste to get it open- tripped over each other. Both were up though the instant they hit the floor. The sight that greeted us was considerably more encouraging than the one they had left a few hours ago.

Amy, though still obviously unconscious, was off of the ventilator- and a few other machines. One of the ones that were still connected was emitting a steady beeping sound that, faintly, seemed to be speeding up. Some of the color had returned to Amy's cheeks and even though she was still pale, she looked healthier. As we all crowded around her once again you could see the naked hope in all of our faces- even Natalie's. Seconds turned into minutes as we all silently watched her. There was a low trilling sound everyone looked expectantly at Fiske. He glanced at his phone and his lips twitched upward slightly.

"They expect that if it continues at this rate, Amy should be with us by morning at the latest. For now though we have to leave. Sinead will show you to your rooms." After one last long look at Amy they all filed out. Dan, though, lingered for a moment.

"Fiske?" Fiske looked up from Amy-startled.

"Yes Dan?"

"Is she going to be alright?" Dan's voice shook slightly. Fiske caught on to it and hugged him tightly.

"Of course."


"Alright, all of your rooms are here in hallway. Each suite has five bedrooms in it with a connected bathroom. There is a suite for each branch." There was no need for Sinead to tell them what door their suite was behind. Each door was painted win the branch's color and crest. "Any questions?" She continued without waiting for an answer. "Okay go ahead and get settled. You'll find your supper on the table. There is a call button in each of the rooms for emergencies only. It's inadvisable for you to leave the suite without a good reason unless you wish to suffer the consequences. Good night."


The next morning at breakfast everyone had barely sat down when Fiske stood to make his announcement. "Last night Amy regained consciousness-"He was cut off by the sudden outcry of voices.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"When can we see her?"

"Is she alright?"

"Calm down everyone. First off it was late and I didn't see the point in waking you. She fell asleep almost immediately. Second, as soon as you finish breakfast. And lastly, she is fine. We have an Ekat agent that is very good with medicine. She will need to rest for a few days but she won't suffer from most of the post coma symptoms except being extremely tired. Her arm and rib are still broken but well on their way to recovery. Her head wound will take a little longer but we fully expect it to mend fully over time." He looked at everyone individually and calmly sat down to finish his breakfast. But he never did get to, the rest of the Cahills were out the door and dragging him along before the fork could reach his mouth.


Everyone silently filed in. This time, there wasn't any medical equipment to be seen. Just Amy, she was lying in a fetal position and her hand kept twitching- much more preferable than her previous position. As they approached Hamilton stepped on Natalie's foot.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall (A 39 Clues Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang