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Stolen Opportunity 

I just got off from work and instead of riding a taxi I decided to walk and go home. My mind was blank while I was walking. Thinking  about a lot of things. I was passing by an alley when I saw a beggar. I decided to sit beside him since he doesn't seem harmful. He suddenly asked why I was sitting beside him. I didn't say anything, I just looked at him. Few minutes passed and I decided to ask him why he was there sitting and asking for alms. What he told me is something I didn't expect. 

“I was here because I don't have a job. I don't have a job because no one would accept me as their employee. I tried everywhere but no one has given me any chance to show what I can do. Who am I anyway for them to give me a chance. I am just an ex-convict. I was working hard before I even came to prison. Working day and night so that I could save money to support my studies but what happened I was framed for something I never did. I have been in prison for how many years when I didn't even do anything to be in prison. I was a guy who was full of dreams but now I'm just a beggar. Now I have nowhere to go. I asked myself what I did in my past life to deserve all of this. Is it that unforgivable? Am I not enough? Being an ex-convict took everything from me. I think it is my fault that all of this happened to me.”

He said. 

“You know what boy it is not your fault. You did your best and still lost doesn't mean you're not enough. Its just the world didn't give you any opportunity. They should be the one ashamed. It is not your fault that you became an ex-convict. Society should be sorry to you because they made you into one. I hope that you know that boy”. After I told them to him I stood up and left. 

Hearing his story hit me hard. There must be a lot of people out there that are being neglected by society. There must also be people inside the prison that should not be there. Our society is being deaf to the shouts of its own people. People shut their mouths when they should speak up. What happened in this country? People pretending they saw something they never did. People pretending they heard something they never did. What should our world do so they can hear the shouts of the people? What can people like us do so that the world can hear our voice? 

No matter how much effort that boy gives, if society didn't give him any chance, all of his hard work would just turn to be nothing. The world should listen to their cry and give them the opportunity they deserve.

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