Ozpin:well better she can now move her projectile in anyway she want even after she fire them.

Issei:i can do that easyly. Does she know at least some defensive spell?

Ozpin:no the maiden power does not offer that.

Issei:what type of shit tier ability is that?

They taken aback by this.

Issei:a good magic user must at least have one defence spell like a berrier or something and i have a lot of them some for specific type of attack.

Ozpin look down in shame. The hell is hes on about in his head.

With ozpin

Why didnt i think of that when i give the first maidens their power?

With issei

Issei:anyway i dont have time for that since i have to shadow a huntsman today.

Ironwood:ohh that can be arrange.

Issei:what do you mean?

Ozpin;what he meant is that we can pull some string to get you out of the program.

Hmmm this could be beneficial for the future.

Issei:ok fine i train amber.

Ozpin:good now you stay here with ironwood until me and glynda comes back with amber.

Wizard of remnant.

After the whole event with the student take place ozpin comes back with amber and glynda.

Ozpin:now amber for proper introduction. That is issei hyoudou the person who save you and now your teacher in magic.

Amber then approached me whos playing chess with ironwood while they were gone.

Issei:hah i win again.

Ironwood:damnit how did i always fell into your traps?


Amber:mr issei i hope you take good care of me.

She said while bowing a little.

Issei:drop the mr just call me issei or teacher.

Amber:understod issei.

Issei:anyway oz did you at leasr prepare a place for the training? That also wont be seen by anyone and no camera.

Ozpin:ofcourse this way.

We all walk to a place where there are no camera and no one can access it a easly without a specific keys.

Issei:so amber first try and show how good your mana manipulation by forming an orb in your hand.

Amber nodded and began to move her mana and start to form an orb. However when she was half way done the ball explode in her hand.


She flinch in pain but thanks to aura she fine.

Issei:first lesson try to make a ball and keep it as is for 5 minute.

Amber:yes teacher.

She then try to form the ball again only for it to explode again. This when on for at least 4 hours all the while i train my create and make mana stone from the ground. When she was finally able to make the ball she came to me.

Amber:teacher i did it!

Issei:good job amber. Now try to make it into a protective round berrier around you.

issei hyoudou the gaming wizardWhere stories live. Discover now