Chapter 15: The Sports Festival

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Orion was walking with All Might to the stands where all the other heroes were sitting to watch the Sports Festival. Orion sat down next to his father and looked out onto the stadium as the students of class 1-A entering the arena. Orion saw Izuku and noticed that he seemed to be very nervous. Orion mumbled, "He must be nervous because he can't use much of One for All." All Might heard him, "Well, he has managed to control a small fraction of the power. When he was fighting that Nomu at the USJ, he managed to use One for All without breaking his arms." Orion looked at his father with a frown, "But he did break his legs when he tried to save you." All Might's eyes widened. Orion said, "Midoriya's too easy to get info out of. It's like asking Google to tell me the weather." All Might sighed, "Well, I told him to visionalize that sension he felt when fighting the Nomu, so he should be fine for now. I think he can use up to five percent without damaging himself." Orion hummed, "Then he should be fine." The two of them turned back to the arena and saw that Bakugo was proclaiming that he would be the one to take first place and would defeat everyone. Orion frowned, "He never changes." All Might said, "Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing." The two of them went silent as the students gathered at the gate to start the race. Midnight said to start and the students began running, but ended up colliding with each other and preventing each other from getting through. All Might said, "This is the first obstacle, getting through the gate." Orion said, "Well, there are a few people who can get through, like..." Just as he said that, Todoroki emerged from the gate and froze the area, but some of the students managed to avoid getting frozen. Orion looked as surprised as Todoroki did, "Huh, more people got out than I thought. I figured that only the students in 1-A would be cautious of Todoroki's ice because they know how powerful he is." All Might said, "Yes, but don't forget that there are other hero course students who are ready for such things as well." As the robots emerged, the heroes continued to watch as several students avoided fighting the robots. When Orion saw Izuku, he was surprised that the green haired male was fighting the robots with a piece of a broken robot. The students continued to race through the course. As the students approached the final stage, Mic told everyone that the mine field would stop the students unless they were very careful. Orion asked, "How are they going to get through this?" Just then, a giant explosion happened and Izuku was thrown forward in front of the others. When he was about to land, he stepped on the backs of Todoroki and Bakugo and smashed the robot piece to the ground to cause another explosion, allowing him to run ahead and take first place. All Might thought, 'A true hero is willing to give up everything to help someone else. You embody that spirit. That's why I chose you. This festival brings out the opposite, showing that heroes will have to compete with each other. I thought that that noble spirit of yours would be your downfall. But, I guess I was wrong.' Orion whistled, "Wow, he got first place. I sort of expected him to place further down." All Might chuckled, "You and me both." After the rest of the students finish, Midnight announces that only the first forty two students would be moving on to the next round and that the event would be a cavalry battle. Orion stood up, "I'm going to get something to eat while they're making their teams. Do you want anything?" All might said, "No thanks. I'm fine. Just make sure that to come back before the event starts." Orion stood up and walked away to get some food.

Orion ran with all his new snacks as fast as he could. The second event had already started a few minutes ago. Orion rushed back to the stand. All Might saw him return, "You sure took your time. The events almost over." Orion said, "I found a lot of good food though. So what happened?" All Might explained, "Well, after they started, almost everyone started going after young Midoriya for his 1 million points. He managed to avoid them for a long time, but Todoroki has been chasing after him." Orion looked down at the stage. He wrinkled his nose, "Wait, Iida is with Todoroki? I figured he would team up with Midoriya. And he's working with that support course girl and Tokoyami. That's a strange combination." All Might said, "But it seems to work just fine for them." As they continued to watch, Iida used his Recipro Burst to steal Midoriya's points, much to everyone's surprise. Orion gasped, "I didn't know he could do that." All Might said, "Well, apparently, neither did Midoriya." The match was almost over and Midoriya rushed to attack Todoroki to reclaim his stolen points, but ended up with another team's points instead. Before he could get any more points, time was up. Orion looked down at Midoriya and saw how sad he was. Midnight then announced the teams that would be advancing. Orion was surprised to hear that Midoriya's team would be moving on until he saw that Tokoyami had managed to get Todoroki's original points. All might stood up, "Well, I'm going to get something to eat from the cafeteria. You must have your hands full with all those snacks, so I guess I'll see you later." Orion waved to him, "Later." Orion stuffed the rest of his snacks in his bag before going to search for Midoriya. He found Bakugo listening in on Midoriya and Todoroki's conversation. Once Todoroki explained what happened with his mother and why he refused to use his fire quirk, Midoriya declared that he would beat him. Orion smiled softly at the words and walked to the hall. He turned to Midoriya, "Oh, Izuku. I was looking for you. Good job on making it to the last round." He paused as he saw that Midoriya and Todoroki were staring at him. Orion played dumb, "Did I interrupt something?" Todoroki shook his head, "No, nothing. We were just talking about something." With that, he left. Izuku followed suit. Orion furrowed his brows, worried what Midoriya would do in response to Todoroki's story.

After the lunch break ended, Orion went back to the stands. All Might had told him that he was going to motivate Midoriya with a small speech before his first round. As the match began, the general education student, Shinso provoked Midoriya into talking to him. Orion created a screen and looked at UA's student files and saw that Shinso could brainwash people who responded to him. Midoriya was about to walk out of the ring, but managed to activate his quirk to break his fingers to break free from Shinso's control. The two of them began fighting again, but Midoriya managed to throw Shinso out of the ring. Midnight announced Midoriya as the winner. Orion got down from the stands and went to Recovery Girl's temporary office. As he arrived, Midoriya was being bandaged up from having his fingers broken. Orion asked, "Hey, what happened back there?" Midoriya explained that he saw figures before him and one of the looked like All Might. All Might called it creepy and explained that those were the vestiges of the previous users of One for All and that he had seen them as well when he was young. Midoriya was cleared and went back to observe the rest of the battles with the students. Orion and All Might stayed. Recovery Girl said, "So you were there too, huh?" All Might said, "Yes. That's probably a good thing." Orion asked, "It isn't an ominous sign, is it?" All Might said, "No, probably not. It means that One for All is accepting young Midoriya. But that also means I'll be losing more and more power as time goes on." Orion frowned, "I kind of wish we had met Midoriya sooner so you could train him better. But now, all we can do is leave it to the UA teachers." All Might smiled, "Right. And he has us to help him out when he needs it." Orion nodded. Recovery Girl stood down from her chair, "If that's all then get out. If I get more patients, I don't want them hearing about this or seeing you in this state, All Might." All Might apologized, "Sorry. Oh, we should go see the other battles." Orion nodded, "The one I'm really concerned about is in the next round, Midoriya versus Todoroki." 

The first round concluded with Todoroki defeating Sero, Ibara defeating Kaminari, Ashido defeating Aoyama, Kirishima defeating Tetsutetsu, and Bakugo defeating Uraraka. It was finally time for the battle between Todoroki and Midoriya. Orion began eating from a large bag of popcorn. All Might looked at him, "Why are you eating such a big bag by yourself?" Orion said, "I'm stress eating." Midnight announced the beginning of the battle. Todoroki instantly fired off a wall of ice, but Midoriya used his full power to destroy it and nearly pushed Todoroki out of the ring. This continued for a few minutes until Midoriya tried to attack Todoroki. Todoroki's ice continued to get weaker. Orion looked at him, "It looks like he's near his limit. Midoriya probably needs to go to Recovery Girl, but I'm not sure she can help him this time." Meanwhile, Midoriya was telling Todoroki to use his left side to fight him. Todoroki did so and began fighting Midoriya. Orion received an alert on one of his screens that warned that Midoriya's body had received an immense amount of damage. After the smoke cleared from their attacks, Midnight announced Todoroki the winner. Midoriya was taken to Recovery Girl to be operated on.

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