Chapter 9: Choose A Leader

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Orion walked to school. He had left earlier than usual to get to ahead of his father and the traffic that he usually faced on the way to school. Once he arrived, Orion headed immediately for the teacher's lounge. There was no one there, so he began to brew some tea as he waited. Orion sat down and drank his tea as the rest of the students began to enter the school and head to class. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Principal Nezu. Nezu looked at Orion, "Ah, young Yagi. How nice to see you today. Doing well I hope." Orion nodded, "Yup. Just got here extra early to drink some tea." Nezu said, "Well, you best be going. The rest of the teachers shall be arriving her soon. Most of them are in the offices preparing for their classes." Orion stood up, "Very well. I'll be going now. See ya." Orion walked out of the room and began walking. He eventually found himself on the way to the nurse's office. Recovery Girl was stepping out of the office. She turned to him, "Oh, Orion. Nice to see you." Orion waved at her, "Nice to see you, too." Recovery Girl smiled, "Shouldn't you be heading to class to deal with your classmates? You should be having a good time with your new friends, especially since this is your first year going to a public school." Orion sighed, "Well, I'm not really happy about spending time with the others. I really don't like dealing with wild problems." "Orion!!" Orion growled, "Speaking of things that I don't like." Orion turned to see Kirishima running up to them. Orion walked into the nurse's office.  Kirishima stopped, a little shock with what Orion did. He turned to look at Recovery Girl, who just shrugged before entering her office.

During class, Aizawa announced that the students would be picking a class president. The students cheered loud in excitement at getting to choose a class president. Several of the students raised their hands, saying that they wanted to be the ones to be the class president. Orion sighed at the pointless excitement of getting to pick a class president. It wouldn't mean a thing, since the class was so wild that they probably wouldn't even listen in the first place. Iida raised his hand and said that they should choose the class president through a class vote. Orion just decided to vote for Iida since he seemed that he wouldn't get any votes. The class voted, with Orion having five votes, Izuku getting three votes, and Momo got two votes. Iida frowned, "Curses, I failed to receive the most votes. My own system was turned against me!" Kirishima said, "Well, at least we can trust that Orion will be a good class president." Orion said, "I immediately decline the position. Have Izuku do it. He would be better anyway." Izuku smiled nervously, "Uh, thanks." Aizawa called Izuku and Momo to the front, "Alright. Midoriya will be the class rep and Yaoyorozu will the class deputy." Izuku got nervous, "Uh, wait, really?" Orion said, "That's right. Just like you wanted when you raised your hand." Izuku groaned, "Oh, right. I did raise my hand. Oh well." 

"Really, young Midoriya, became your class's president?" Orion nodded, "That's what I said. And Yaoyorozu ended up being chosen as the deputy rep." The two males were having lunch in All Might's office. Orion frowned at his father's lunch being composed of tea, "You know, I can make your lunch for you." All Might frowned, "I would have to give you extra work. Now that you're going to school and have your hero work, you might get overworked." Orion said, "Can't you make your own food?" All Might said, "I cannot cook to save a single life. Remember, when you were still a little baby, I somehow managed to burn your milk. And when I tried to get you to drink the burnt milk, you started acting up and hitting me and crying. It was the first time that you ever actually became a bother." Orion slapped his father's shoulder, "Don't call me a bother, I make your food." All Might chuckled, "Wow, you look like you're back to your old self. Your more cheerful now." Orion looked away, "Well, I got a lot off my chest before. Now I'm back to my old lovable self. Except with my class, since they annoy me to no end." Suddenly, an alarm went off. Orion looked outside, "Huh, it seems like some of the reporters managed to get into the school. They're probably here to get an interview with you. Hmm, I wonder how the gate got destroyed." All Might frowned, "Strange. Oh, by the way, shouldn't you get back to class?" Orion said, "You can just write me a permission slip." All Might nodded, "Fine. But be sure to get to class and try to get along with your classmates." Orion sighed, "Uh, fine. I'll make an attempt." 

Orion arrived at class a few minutes late. Aizawa looked at him, "Why are you late?" Orion gave him the slip, "Here you go. Now, what did I miss?" Aizawa said, "Midoriya gave up his class president position to Iida after what happened when the press got on campus." Orion frowned, "Really? Why didn't Yaoyorozu become the class rep? She got the next highest number of votes. Iida only got one vote and that was from me because I knew that he wouldn't get any other votes." Iida frowned at the mention that the only vote he received was out of pity while Bakugo chuckled.

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