Chapter 5: Another Starting Point

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Orion turned off his alarm clock as it signaled that it was six thirty in the morning. Sometimes Orion wondered why he even had it, since he always woke up extremely early. For example, that day, he woke up two hours before his alarm. That made sense. It was his first day at UA, the first time that he would go to an actual school. Orion had showered early, cleaned his room, eaten breakfast, changed into his school uniform, made sure everything he needed was in his backpack, and checked around the house to make sure that everything was in place. All Might had left an hour ago to start his day. Orion sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror one last time before going out. He was used to being alone and having to go by himself, but it got lonely at times. He looked back at his house once more before closing the door behind him and locking it. Orion felt strange taking the train, as he usually rode around on his hover board, but he couldn't do that now because it would draw too much attention to himself. Orion sighed as he sat down on the train. He decided to read to pass the time and took out the newspaper from his backpack. Orion began mumbling, "Ah, the stock market in America took a major blow yesterday. Hope they recover." As the young hero read the newspaper, he failed to notice that several people were staring at him, a little put off by  the fact that a teenager was reading a newspaper.

Orion arrived at the front gate of UA. He checked his wristwatch, "Looks like I'm an hour early. Guess I'll have to spend the rest of the time in the classroom. Let's see. If I recall correctly, I'm in class 1-A. Better go find it." Orion entered the school and quickly found the class. When he opened the door, no one was there. Orion frowned, "Guess I'm alone. Again." He quickly found his seat and began to read a book on American history. As time passed, a blond haired boy with spiky hair entered the classroom. He briefly looked at Orion before scoffing, "How the hell did a shrimp like you get into UA?" Orion sighed at the mention of his stature. Even though he was already fifteen, he wasn't particularly tall. He was only five feet, with his shoes on, and his muscles were non-existent. Orion said, "Well, since you can tell that I am physically weak, you must assume that I have quite the powerful quirk." Bakugo stared at him and smirked before holing out his hand, "Katsuki Bakugo." Orion shook Bakugo's hand, "Orion Yagi." Bakugo took his seat, right in front of Orion. Soon after, more students began to enter the classroom. Orion smiled when he saw that Kirishima not only managed to get into UA, but also managed to be in the same class as him. Ida entered the room, much to Orion's dismay. Ida then began yelling at Bakugo about putting his feet down, but Bakugo just yelled back at him. Orion sighed and then watched as the door opened to reveal Izuku. Orion gave him a quick wave before Ida approached Izuku. Uraraka then came from behind and began talking about how Izuku saved her during the entrance exam. Suddenly, they were interrupted by Aizawa, who told them that he was their homeroom teacher at to get outside after changing. Orion sighed, "Man, this will probably be another one of his quirk apprehension tests to weed out people with no potential. Plus, I can't change in front of the others. If they see my wounds, they might get suspicious." While Orion was nowhere near as reckless as his father, he still got wounded sometimes and ended up with several scars on his back. Orion took his uniform and went to the bathroom to quickly change.

Aizawa explained to the class the quirk apprehension test. Orion muttered, "I knew it." Aizawa continued and asked Bakugo to step up. Aizawa told him, "Do what you want. Just don't leave the circle." Bakugo smirked. He wound up his pitch and when he threw, he yelled, "DIE!!!!" Several classmates were puzzled by his words. Aizawa showed them the score that Bakugo got. A few of them got excited. Orion muttered, "Idiots. If you guys get too excited, he'll make things worse." And, true to form, Aizawa threatened to expel whoever got last place. Some students became worried, but Orion just sighed, He'll only expel someone if he thinks they can't do anything. And so, the tests began. The first test was the fifty meter dash. Orion was pitted against a boy named Tokoyami. As soon as they were told to start, Orion used his power to force himself forward, earning him a score of two point zero three seconds. Several students gave him praise, which he ignored. The next test was standing long jump. The same as the last test, Orion forced his power into his feet and created bursts of electronic energy to gain height and distance. The third test was the grip strength. Orion used his quirk to surround his hand in a cyber fist that nearly crushed the device. The fourth test was the side steps. Orion just used his quirk to make electronic bumpers on his sides that forced him to keep moving. The fifth test was the ball throw. Orion just did the same thing as for the standing long jump and the fifty meter dash, but he focused his power into his hands. He ended up with a score of one million meters. Again, several students praised him, but he ignored it all as he watched Izuku step up. Just as he was about to make his throw, Aizawa erased his quirk. Aizawa scowled Izuku and gave him back his quirk. After that, Izuku managed to get a good throw while only breaking his finger. Orion smiled, "I knew that you could do it, Izuku."

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