The girls help me come up with great ideas for the baby room. We spent most of the time moving all the toys, cribs, and furniture out of the room to clear the space. We painted the wall a fresh white coat to give us a clear canvas to start. After the first layer of paint it's done we broke for lunch. In the early afternoon, we started painted with light gray. The plain is to paint white trees and detail the trees with gray paint. The leaves and woodland creatures will add colors back into the wall. The contract between the white and gray it makes it easier for newborns to see. The colors on the wall would be for the older babies to enjoy sense they'll be able to see the colors. Jessie had a knack for drawing so we put her in charge of penciling the outline of the trees and animals. I'm horrible at drawing, so I stick to painting in between the tape off areas.

As day goes on my focus is working on the room to get it done. Tomorrow we had to put everything back to be ready to be used again for Monday. Cramps came and went in the morning and early afternoon. By four o'clock, I'm hovering over a chair grabbing my stomach in pain trying to still help paint the trim. "Spencer, you're done. You look bad," said Lissa.

She called Kate through the link and request for her to take me home.

I didn't bother to look up from my sitting position. My head laid on my knees to my chest. I've had cramps hurt this much before. " I called a few people to come in and help us. Molly isn't feeling good either. She says her heat is starting early, so we'll do what we can. The heat is starting early this year, so we might finish this room in couple weeks," Lissa said softly sitting by me. She rubs my back trying comforting me as we wait for Kate to get me.

"We're here to help," said a couple of male voices. I look up and see a bruise face Mason and Landon in the doorway.

I look startled to Lissa." They are who you called in to help, "I asked baffled.

"Yes. Landon go talk to Jessie where she needs you. Mason take Spencer home. She's in too much pain to walk. Kate will meet you on way to the girls' dorm," she instructed.

Mason raise is high brow at her and gave a questionable look at me. He walked over to us and kneels in front of me. "Did baby Alpha rough you too much last night," Mason with a side smirk.

I smirk through the pain as my brother's nickname. "He wasn't the one I got an ear full from," I answered. From that comment, I look up seeing it's five o clock and Leo didn't show up. He made a sound he would be here yesterday. I guess he's not the dependable type.

"Let's get you up. Lissa said she wants to get this room nearly paint tonight," he said cradled me up in his arms. I tense up from the contact be close to him. Mason is still one of the people I want to be the farthest from even if he is currently being nice to me. Mason took me back to the dorms to my room with Kate on his heels. She took my temp and notice I had a high fever. She got me a hot towel to help my ongoing cramps that seem to worsen with each hour. Mason left and Kate seems to walk constantly back the common areas and my room pacing as she's nervous.

At eight o'clock her head is sweating and she looks nervous at me. "The heat is coming early this year, Spence. I'm starting to fill it too. A lot of the girls have clear out of the dorm because it seems it's affecting everyone. A lot of heat cabins are full or the girls went to their parent's homes. I know you don't feel good, but I need to go take care of my heat," she said with sympathy.

I knew what she meant. The heat cabins are where girls can go who didn't want to take a male and waited out their heat. Wolves that are not affected by the heat stay nearby to protect them from unmated males. Parents protect their unmated daughters at homes too. "Go, I'll be fine. It's just bad period cramps," I said urging her to leave.

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