Chapter 1

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Bai Fengjiu had been queen for sixteen thousand years when the first child, the young daughter of a merchant, disappeared. Search parties were dispatched, but no clues were found. A month later, the new born son of a twin-tailed cat vanished. Queen Bai Fengjiu's people began to panic. It was no longer a one time disappearance. And this time there was no doubt. The baby had been stolen. Then the third child, the son of a bear, was taken from his mother's arms while she slept. This mother bear came to the queen's den to plead that her son be found.

"Please, my Queen, I know in my heart my son is alive! The other children must be too. I know you have sent search parties and investigators to find them. But they have found nothing. Is there nothing else you can do to find them?"

How could the kind Queen turn down such a tearful request? She was also deeply troubled by these disappearances.

"I will look into these disappearances myself, so put your trust in me a while longer. I will definitely bring them all back! And whoever dared take children of Qingqiu will pay with their lives!"

The bear's child had been taken only a few days ago, so the trail was still warm. Fengjiu changed into her fox form and smelled around the bear's den. It smelled like bear, of course, but there was a softer scent buried there. Fengjiu was sure from the scent that the kidnapper was just one individual. The trail ran cold, washed away by the river. She turned back into her human form and pondered for a moment.

Was the kidnapper from the demon clan? The scent led her to think differently though. People of the demon clan tended to smell of spices and ashes. This scent was earthy and sweet, like sage and lavender. Which made her think of the heavens.

She tried to follow the culprit's magic trail, but she couldn't find one. He must've found a way to mask it. Fengjiu frowned and knocked on the old river spirit's home.

"Ah, little Queen, it has been a while. Why have you called me?"

"There have been disappearances in my Qingqiu. Children are being stolen from their homes. I followed the scent of the culprit here, but lost it in the river. Did you see any strange things three nights ago?"

"I am sorry to say I haven't. This mere river spirit did not even sense someone cross the bay." Fengjiu sighed in frustration, she'd really hoped the old spirit could shed some light on this mystery. "But I will be more vigilant! Don't worry, if anyone who crosses, this spirit will inform you."

"Thank you," she conjured a familiar jade flute and handed it to the river god. "You may use this to call me."

"Of course, Queen Bai Fengjiu."

The spirit left, and Bai Fengjiu looked at the river one last time before turning back to her home.

She was surprised by the back of a stranger standing outside of her fox den. He was quite tall with slim shoulders. His black hair was loose and wildly fell down his back. As he turned around, Fengjiu instinctually grabbed her sword. Whoever this was, she did not trust his strange aura.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my Qingqiu?"

He smirked in a way that made her skin crawl.

"Now Xiao Hong, is that anyway to greet your future husband?"

Fengjiu glared, "Who's husband? I am Bai Fengjiu! Queen of this realm! You would do well to show your respect."

"Ah, apologies my Queen." He bowed slightly, still smiling wolfishly at her.

"You have not answered my questions." Fengjiu put on her most queenly aura. "Who are you, and why are you here?"

"I am Wenchang Dijun, your fated lover. Of course I should be here with you."

Fengjiu blinked a few times, not processing what the man had said.

"Xiao Hong?" He had walked closer, gently pushing her sword away with a finger. "I have waited so long to find you."

He looked at her with a strange emotion in his eyes. Then he reached towards her. Fengjiu finally snapped out of her shock and raised the sword quickly to his neck. He chuckled.

"Do not joke with me! Do you wish to lose your head?"

"My Xiao Hong is so fierce, I dare not." His smile softened, "I will take my leave."

As Wenchang walked past her, she could smell the soft scent of lavender. Quickly, she spun around to face him, but he had already disappeared. Fengjiu felt deeply unsettled. Too many questions rattled inside of her brain. Was he responsible for the kidnappings? The scent was similar, but not identical. Was he really who he claimed? How could he be? Surely she would be aware of another Dijun in the world. That title was not given to just anyone. And what if he was? She had seen their names paired on that cursed rock. Why would someone lie about such a thing?

Fengjiu decided it did not much matter if it was Wenchang. Either way, only one man had her heart. Not that she had time to think about such things. Right now, there were children counting on her to find them. She needed to investigate carefully.

Fengjiu pushed all other thoughts to the back of her mind and went to her study. Looking at the reports again, she really hoped she could find more clues. Her eyes narrowed at the report of the twin-tailed kitten. When he had disappeared, his father was only a room away. No cries were heard. Had the child snuck out? Or was he also taken from under his parent's nose? And the merchant's daughter was taken from her father's side while his back was turned for a short moment. No struggle or cries were heard. Fengjiu rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration. She should really go talk to the merchant and twin-tailed cat for more details, but reading these lengthy reports made her so sleepy. Since the very first disappearance, she had hardly slept, working hard with the investigators and expending her cultivation to try and track dead ends. Now she really wanted to sleep.

No! Fengjiu shook her head. How could she sleep easily? She needed to find those poor children! Standing up shakily, she ignored the heavy feeling lingering in her bones.

She could sleep when she found the missing children.

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