"Hey, it's going to be fine, promise. Let's go say hi to them.", I say, taking Bucky's hand.

"Okay.", he says, getting more confident.

We go into the living room, Bruce looks at me and smiles, but when his eyes lands on Bucky, his face changes into uncertainty.

"Hey Steve. Been a long time since I've seen you.", he gets up from the couch and greets me. "This must be Bucky, it's nice to meet you.", he holds out his hand. Bucky ungrips my hand, and shakes Bruce with his real hand. "Hello, nice to meet you too, Bruce."

Thor already has gotten up and he comes over and sees me. "Captain America, good to see you again, who's this, the man with the metal arm."

"This is my boyfriend, Thor, his name is Bucky Barnes.", I say with full confidence.

Thor and Bruce are both surprised but Thor comes over and shakes Bucky's metal arm and he says, "It's a honor to meet you Bucky, Captain America's boyfriend."

Bucky starts to blush and says, "Honor to meet you too Thor."

Bruce then says, "So Steve, your bisexual, never expected that but I support you, and Bucky, come with me, I would like to talk to you in private."

"I support the both of you too.", Thor says.

I whisper to Bucky, "It's okay, go I'll be here okay."

Bucky and Bruce then go off into the Backyard.

Bucky's POV

"I know what you've done. And before you think I hate you. I don't, I understand. I just want you to know you're not the only one who feel like a monster to the world.", Bruce says as we enter the Backyard.

Going on Bruce says, "I don't know if you know my back story but what happened was that I as a scientist was testing with Gama Radiation, causing it to go all wrong. In return the radiation turned me into the Hulk. I lost everyone and everything I had because of what I was. People hated me for the destruction I caused. I was lost, everywhere I went. I didn't know how to tame the other guy, the only way I could end this was killing myself, and I tried, so many times. But it didn't work, never did. Yet I surrounded myself with people, like the Avengers and I found that you can redeem yourself. The Avengers are a group of people who are broken, they will understand, cause we've all felt like monsters before."

"Thank you Bruce. It's hard sometimes to remember that all superheroes all have huge tragities on their shoulders. And a part of being one I guess, is helping people redeem themselves, see them for their better selves. And all of you, Steve, Clint, Nat and, Thor have begun to see myself as better person, making me see myself as Bucky and not The Winter Soldier."

"That's why we're here man, to help, now if you ever need me just call, I pretty sure Steve has my number. Wanna go back inside, I think we're about to have dinner."

Bruce and I go back into the living room, Thor and Steve are still in there watching TV. "Hey babe", I say as I walk into the room. Steve gets up and walks over to me while Bruce goes and sits on the couch. "Everything went fine right", Steve says.

"Yeah, everything went fine. All I have to do is meet Tony.", I say.

"Well he's here. Let's go?", he says.

I nod and together we go into the kitchen hand-in-hand, ready to face whatever is going to happen.

As we enter then kitchen everyone is laughing and Steve says, "Hey Tony, I want you to meet someone."

Tony turns around and his face goes from happiness to pure hatred as his eyes see my face. The first thing he ever says to me is, "You. You're a murderer."

Cliffhanger! So yeah that's what happened. The Picture is supposed to be the type of background their looking out on when they're going to eat dinner and stuff. And now going onto apologies. I'm sorry guys, I know it's been a month now since I've updated and to blame my lateness is a mixture of school work stress and procrastination or needed relaxing time. Moving on this story has reached  1k reads, so thank you so much!!!!!!!!! I love you guys and I really can't believe you guys actually want to read more of this story. And also sorry if it's a but short. I'm typing this all on my phone because my computer is just being weird. So yeah, see you guys later :)

Dedication goes to StarSpangledBucky! If you haven't checked out her Stucky AU called, My Client, My Muse, My Lover, then please do, its perfection.

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