Chapter 33

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"Erik?... You are awake" she stated the obvious as she kept still, looking at him.

"Yes...Yes, I am" Erik said as he rubbed the back of his head with his hand. It didn't hurt that much but it wasn't fully gone yet but he had experienced much worse pains in his life.

"How are you feeling?"

"Calm... if this is what you mean... calmer... I didn't know you knew how to play" he said, deciding to not ask about the tears yet and focus on the new information he just obtained about his nightingale.

"I do not," she said, a little embarrassed as she looked at her feet and Erik walked closer to her. "I just know this small piece... I was supposed to learn how to play but..." she didn't manage to finish her sentence as she was embraced on a strong hug and her head rested on the slightly exposed chest of the Phantom.

Erik could see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice. The subject was a sensitive one and he must admit that it was rare to see his angel crying. She always kept such a perfect mask on her face that even he had a hard time to see any signs.

He kissed her head as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Taking in his scent, she felt safe in his arms and calm. After a minute, she pulled back and looked at him.

"Better?" he asked as he pushed a strand behind her ear.

"Yeah... I am sorry about that... this subject is a little... sensitive"

"I understand and I do not want to pressure you but I am curious to hear the story behind it"

"I will tell you *smirks* but only if you answer a question of mine in return"

A deep chuckle left Erik's lips as he placed his hand on her cheek. Despite the situation, Morgana was still up in her usual games and he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. Looking into her blue eyes, he kissed her forehead.

"Very well. Now come" he extended his ungloved hand and she placed hers on it before leading her on the armchair before taking the stool and sitting on it.

"Well, I presume I should start from the beginning," she said and Erik gave a nod of his head, his light blue eyes fixed on her form; his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward and paid all his attention to her. "You see, I grew up with my grandfathers for the beginning of my life. My Máthair... sorry my-

"Your mother," Erik said and Morgana blinked surprised. "Yes I do know Irish if that would be your question so I saved your time and trouble to ask it later"

"I wouldn't actually ask that but thank you for the free answer," she said with a grin and it was his turn to blink in surprise.

Damn this woman, she tricked me, he thought but smiled amusedly at the intelligence of the female across from him. One of the many things he loved about her.

"Well, she would use to work all night and partially at the day at a pub and my Athair was busy with the farm so Cáel and I were left at our grandparents from my dad's side. After a certain age, he was taken along with dad to learn the work so it was mostly me and them. Máthair chríonna (grandmother/granny) was the musician of the family. When she was young she had run away from home with a group of musicians and travelled the whole of Europe, her playing the violin"

"I presume it is also where you got the voice" Erik stated and she nodded.

"She would play the violin for me and I would always praise her. One day, she taught me this little composition"


Morgana was holding a violin with her small hands, barely able to grasp it properly but that didn't stop her from trying. She placed it under her chin and placed the bow on the strings.

A Second Chance in Love (Erik X OC)Where stories live. Discover now